
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Candy Lacquer Sugar Skulls

Wow, after just two days of my Vet Nurse plus course, I'm exhausted!!! Pleasantly so, though.

I came home yesterday and hopped in to bed at 5:30pm, slept till 7:50pm, got up for dinner and was back in bed by 9:30pm! I also slept through my first alarm so I cut it pretty fine this morning!!!
Besides the shock to my system, I'm enjoying it so far. A lot of basic cell and tissue bio was crammed in to my brain today that brought back all the bio I did at high school. We learnt all the terms used to describe locations on an animal and the basic form of cats and dogs. That area has me a little flummoxed! I not very good at visualising objects, so I'll have to practice the terms using my dogs. The afternoon was luckily, fairly lax, we just went over a lot of OSH information.
There are an awful lot of ways I could be seriously harmed in a vet clinic though you guys! And apparently cats are the devil, with all the nasty infections they can give you from scratches and bites.

On a sad note, I'm not allowed to wear nail polish during clinic, so I suppose now is the time to invest in some OPI Envy Matte!!!! Clinic is only two days a week, so I'll still manage to wear my polish lots. "Don't panic!" I keep telling myself. :)

The best part thus far is how friendly the staff and other students are. There's only 20 of us, so it's like being in a classroom environment and you can actually get to know everyone unlike huge lectures at uni. We're aged 17-40 something too which is kind of great since I'm turning 25 tomorrow.

Now back to the subject of nail polish...

Candy Lacquer Sugar Skulls over Elevation Polish Higravstinden

 Sugar Skulls is a matte glitter mix with white, pink, teal, pale seafoam green and yellow hexes, as well as fine iridescent glitter. There are yellow flowers and pink hearts too! The only way Sugar Skulls could be better was if there were chunky skull shaped glitters in it too! One day, aye? It's best to dab the glitter on because it's soooo concentrated and you can control where the hearts and flowers go. She dries really textured so you'll also need a thick top coat to smooth it out. I'm wearing 1 coat of Glitter Gloss and 1 coat of Seche Vite.

I loved, loved, loved wearing Sugar Skulls. It'll be making a comeback this Easter for sure!!!



  1. I love that color! I just posted 4 shades on my Blog, you would love them, check it out when you have time.

  2. That polish is cute! That is a bummer about clinics but at least it is only two days! I am glad you are enjoying it! I am sure you will get used to the routine soon :)

  3. Can you wear clear polish? Maybe you could get by with some Essie neutrals like Adore a ball or the award winning Mademoiselle? They are very sheer and only a real polish maven would be able to detect that you were wearing something other than clear. That way you can still wear your polish and be compliant with the school rules too.
    I love the little hearts and flowers in that glitter! Gorgeous polish.


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