
Thursday 7 March 2013

NPA 25th Birthday Giveaway


To celebrate my 25th Birthday I'm giving you the chance to win a $25 gift voucher for Harlow & Co.

As much as I would love to give away actual polish prizes, shipping polish is too dodgy and I'd hate for your prize to never reach you! The upside is the giveaway is open to everyone!!! (please check Harlow & Co's shipping policy to ensure they ship to your country).

The giveaway will run from 8-15 March and I'll announce the winner by Saturday 16 March (NZDT) here and on Facebook.

All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!!



  1. I make dinner for my husband and for my son.

  2. Thank you so much for such an awesome giveaway! Annnndd Happy Birthday to you!!! On my last birthday, well.. I was planning on a "date" with myself, but I'm blessed with family who definitely loves to spend the day with me. We ended up with a short day trip. hahaha! :D

  3. Happy birthday and thanks so much for doing this giveaway!
    I don't make a big deal of my birthdays, so I don't really remember what I did. I probably baked brownies and went to school!

  4. Awesome giveaway! I went out for dinner & spent a quiet nite with my boyfriend.

  5. I was flying back from Ireland so that was pretty cool. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy birthday!
    I didn't do anything because I was not too happy about this date...I only feel good on my birthdays if I achieve something during the year... And I haven't

  7. Funny you should ask! I spent my last birthday taking pregnancy tests and thinking NO WAAAAAY lol. So when we went out for my birthday dinner it was also to celebrate being pregnant with our second child! :)

  8. I cannot remember doing anything special last year! 28 is kind of one of those unbirthday years, I think.

  9. Happy Quarter Centennial Birthday! And thank you for the generous giveaway. For my last birthday, I had a small family get-together with cake and pressies and my mom made me stew for my birthday dinner. (^_^)

  10. I had dinner with my family. I wish you a very Happy 25th Birthday andI hope u have an amazing dat

  11. I had dinner lw my family. I wish u a very Happy 25th Birthday n have an amazing day! Thank u for the

  12. I had dinner with my family. I wish you a very Happy 25th Birthday andI hope u have an amazing dat

  13. I spent it with my husband on a great romantic Greek island.

  14. Hope you had a great birthday!!! My last birthday... I can hardly remember. I'm pretty sure I had all sorts of stuff due for uni, so nothing really. Dan would have cooked me a nice dinner though :)

  15. Well, for my birthday I bought nail polish

  16. Had dinner w/ my daughter & husband.

  17. Happy birthday! I actually didn't do anything special on my last birthday.. Just spent more time with family :)

  18. Happy birthday!! And thank you so much for this generous giveaway! :D
    My last birthday, I think I just hung out with my hubby. We went out to dinner at my favorite restaurant and that's about it. :-)

    ~ Yun

  19. Happy Birthday!! Thanks for the giveaway! My last birthday I got my hair did (lol), and had dinner with my family.

  20. I hope you had an awesome birthday!

    For my last birthday my boyfriend cooked me dinner and surprised me with Cult Nails polish =)

  21. Happy Birthday - thanks for the giveaway! =D

  22. Happy Birthday to you!! For me last birthday my boss took me to a concert and a lovely steak dinner.

  23. happy bday :)
    I had a pizza party for my last bday

  24. Happy Birthday to you! :)
    I went to Moscow and celebrated with my old friends. It was quiet, cozy and fun.

  25. I got blindfolded and driven around in circles by my other half to try and confuse me before taking me to my favorite sushi place. :)

  26. My family, my husband, and I went bowling!

  27. Well I thought I'd posted! The interwebs ate it! For my last birthday I was down in the dumps about being in a new place with few friends, and then hubby surprised me with a surprise party, with all my family present. He made me leak - I had absolutely no idea!

  28. I went out to dinner with my parents :)

  29. My last birthday, I had a bunch of friends over, we all painted nails, and I introduced them to stamping! I only had 70 odd polishes then! x

  30. I went to the movies and had a lot of shrimp for dinner.

  31. I was in Madrid, but I went in a Pizzeria cause I'm italian, from Napoli. ^_^

  32. I had dinner with my family and friends at home :)

  33. went to a bar with all my friends.

  34. I went to work, 2 night shifts in a row

  35. My last birthday....I had two tests haha
    My parents bought be dinner and cake to celebrate after though :)

  36. I went out for dinner with my mom and sister. The meal was terrible but the company was great! :)

  37. I honestly don't remember, but I made and ate a key lime pie that week. Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. My last bday was in July, so we grilled out, took a walk & spent the whole day with my husband & children! Thnx & Happy BDay!! :)

  39. I was snowed in and did nothing!!!

  40. I had a party for my closest friends, theme of the party was purple and blue because i love those colors. It was great. :)

  41. i make a dinner for my friends :D

  42. i went out for dinner with my husband and kids

  43. Dinner with the Hubby & kids! ♥

  44. Didn't do anything actually, I had a boring 18th

  45. FIRST, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks so much for hosting a great giveaway! I like the idea that you are giving away a certificate so that you can let us torture ourselves over which polish to get hehe. I spent my last birthday hanging with friends at a barbeque. Simple and good times!

  46. I hung out with some friends, got a piercing, and received nail polish of course! =)

  47. Last birthday I had a ~slumber party with my cousin .. never too old for sleepovers, right?! Haha

  48. My family and dined out on my favorite pancakes place :D

    Happy birthday!!

    GFC Iriel

  49. For my last birthday my husband got me a cake and we celebrated with family. But I am very excited about my upcoming birthday in 5 days. My favorite musician is finally playing within driving distance and I have tickets! YAY!

  50. Just had dinner with my husband :)

  51. On my last birthday, I spent it relaxing with my fiance, siblings, and best friends. Simple, yet great :) Happy Birthday!!!

  52. I had brunch with family and friends at our place - my wonderful mum and sister cooked! They are brunch pros. Thank you for this giveaway Michaela x

  53. I ate at Chili's with my family and since I was turning 21 I had a mudslide. :P

  54. My last birthday, I pretty much spent the day lazing around and had an amazing dinner with the housemates :) Thanks for hosting this giveaway! x

  55. my boyfriend threw me a surprise party!

  56. I had a small surprise party :)

  57. I did absolutely nothing, which is just what I wanted to do. I got to relax and enjoy some me time!

    - Cassandra Wells

  58. My birthday was earlier this month. My boyfriend and I went out to The Palm and had a grand ole time :)

  59. Happy Birthday! For my last birthday, my friends through me a surprise party.

  60. As always, I go to Joe's Crab Shack. Yum!

  61. Oh, and happy happy joy joy for another year!

  62. We had a joint birthday party with my best friend Kate! It was a blast :) Happy birthday to you!

  63. Worked. My boyfriend made a brownie for dinner for me. :) It was tasty with a raspberry syrup on top!

    Thanks and Happy Birthday!

  64. I just turned 40 so I didn't want to celebrate it lol

  65. I worked on my last birthday, but spend the evening on a nice restaurant with my family!

  66. The hubs and daughter took me out to eat at my favorite restaurant, which happens to be named Favorites :) OMG, I love their food!

  67. Went to someone else's party/BBQ! Haha it was actually fun, it was my 21st!

  68. Last year I set a party at a friend's house, and we party till the next day in the afternoon :)

  69. It was just another day!!!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  70. I didn't really celebrate but I plan to this time!

  71. Blech... nothing! I was super sick!


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