
Monday 4 March 2013

Ninja Polish Hannukkah Floam

Good Morning Monday!

I'm starting my Vet Nurse course today, argh! So nervous... I'm writing this the night before because I need to get myself sorted for the morning and procrastination is so sweet!! I'll let you know how I find it tomorrow night.

In the lead up to Christmas last year I picked up a couple of the Ninja Polish Holiday Collection glitters. You've already seen Shattered Star and I ended up selling on Festive Floam, so here is the lucky last, Hanukkah Floam. BTW I love the blue and silver colour theme Hanukkah has going! It's got that icy feel!

Ninja Polish Hanukkah Floam



Hanukkah Floam is a matte medium blue and silver holo micro glitter in a clear base. I applied 3 thin coats for relatively full coverage. I really need to find a way to get better coverage on my free edge; something I struggle with when it comes to floam glitters. This bastard was so un-photogenic!! In the sun it was so sparkly I couldn't take a focussed photo to save myself and in the light box the blue looks too light. Oh well, you get the gist!

Make sure you apply thin coats and let each one dry completely before adding the next as the glitter is prone to shifting. You will need some thick top coat to smooth Hanukkah Floam out too. I opted for some Glitter Gloss.

Next time I'll wear HF over a dark blue, like Orly Stone Cold!

I hope the end/start of your week is very chill guys,



  1. Oooh I love all of these different Floams! I'm quite jelly you're doing a Vet Nurse course - I love animals <3

  2. Oh I like it! Very pretty. Good luck with your Vet Nurse course.


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