
Friday 5 October 2012

Hare Polish Supernova Springs


 I've been in a "will I, won't I?" blogging mood today. I've already put it off several times. Why? Because my nails have been breaking and tearing other the past few days and I'm down to uneven nubs! I hate to swatch when they look so fowl, so I'm trying to preserve the photos I already have ready to go!

The next week will be dedicated to my Hare Polish collection. It's pretty small but I think that'll give my nails at least 5 days of growth time! I was planning on posting these in a Sunday Spam edition but oh well.

To kick it off here's Supernova Springs.

Hare Polish Supernova Springs



Supernova Springs is a black jelly base with super fine and small emerald green hex glitter. It's simple and looks gorgeous, from the Planet Springtime Collection. The formula is a bit thick but it applied nicely and dried quickly. I applied 2 coats and 1 layer of top coat, but I'd recommend 2 since it dries a bit gritty.
It'd be great layered over a black creme too, if you want to preserve your bottle!!!

Hare Polish is available from Etsy and Llarowe



  1. I love this! I think I have yet to see a Hare Polish that I don't absolutely love!

  2. The base is purple, not black. :)

    1. Is it? Seriously didn't notice at all!!!! I just thought it wasn't that tinted lol


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