
Friday 5 October 2012

Hare Polish Dog Day Dream


Uni is kicking my ass, i'm getting way too close to a full blown panic attack for comfort! Thank god I can relax while painting my nails, or should I say nubs?

Here is one of Hare's best polishes ever:

Hare Polish Dog Day Dream




Dog Day Dream is a stunning deep pink jelly with square and hex glitter in purple, pink and orange. The photo in the shade shows off the orange glitter the best - and that's what makes DDD so gorgeous and unique! This is 2 coats of DDD by itself but it looks great layered over reds and pinks too. I advise 1-2 thick coats of top coat to smooth it out too. Application is easy, I just needed to push the odd piece of glitter back from my free edge on some nails.

Are you screaming for triple D too? BTW I've got Florence and the Machine's song in my head now!!!

Happy Friday, may your weekend weather be glorious!



  1. Certainly not nubs. Travelling has given me nubs. Love the hares, hopefully have some waiting for me back home. Hope uni gets better. I know it can be overwhelming but you will get there

    1. these aren't the nubs! These are pre-nubs i'll post my nubs tonight for you to see. hope you are enjoying the trip

  2. Ughhh I LOOOVE Hare polish! I want to get my hands on Cosmo Blossoms and Rad Cloud :3

  3. Dog Day Dream is my favorite Hare!! It's awesome and looks great on ya!

  4. Just think it can't be that long until the end of year now! Uni holidays are the best... I miss studying. I just ordered my first Hare... but I think I need to order more now!

    best of luck for the uni assignments and such!

  5. The more I see of Hare Polish, the more I NEED them!!!

  6. Dude these are NOT nubs-they are way longer than mine! Hope you are not panicking anymore!

    1. oh no these photos are pre-nub. now mine are pretty close to yours!I have real troubling shaping my nails when they are really short and I can never open things (had to wind my watch forward for daylight savings last weekend and i had to get a pair of pliers!!!! makes me sad!)


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