
Wednesday 3 October 2012

Pink Wednesday

It's been forever since my last Pink Wednesday post so ta da!
The kids (well girls) at work oohh and aahh'd over this mani.

Pahlish Total Eclipse of the Heart over Barielle Satin Glow



Total Eclipse of the Heart is a pink, fuchsia, red and silver holo glitter top coat. Sorry about the black fuzz in the macro shot!!!! I've had TEotH sitting around for months now, and it just leapt out at me yesterday. I've got it over a soft, warm pink with glass fleck shimmer and I think the combo is pretty banging. The formula and application rock, absolutely no dabbing or placing required. It does need a few layers of top coat though :( This was just 1 coat of TEotH, so you can see it's pretty concentrated.

Barielle Satin Glow

Satin Glow is one of the newer Barielle shades to come out this year. It's a warm, light pink with glass fleck shimmer that looks pearly white in photos, but in person it sparkles lots of different colours under direct light. I used 3 coats because otherwise you end up with a bit of VNL, but it applied like a dream.

I'm bogged down with uni and work at the moment so this is a bit short, but I hope you're rocking some pink nails today in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and just cos it's a Wednesday!!!



  1. These are both beautiful and they make a fantastic Pink Wednesday mani!

  2. This is absolutely gorgeous! Love that Pahlish glitter and it looks great over the Barielle! I have quite a few Pahlishes I still need to try, you've inspired me!

    1. Thanks, the slightly pink base makes the Barielle pop! Can't wait to see your pahlish posts

  3. That Pahlish looks amazing on you! I don't have this pink Pahlish, but I do have Glittoris which I should make an effort to wear, maybe next Wednesday!

    1. I have Glittoris too ( bought it after TEotH) and they are so similar!!! I think the glitter is just pinker and the base is tinted pink in glittoris. Maybe that's why she discontinued TEotH

  4. gorgeous!! loving the glitters!


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