
Friday 15 June 2012

Rescue Beauty Lounge Anne

Good Morning!

Mine started ultra early when I woke around 3:45am with a blood nose!. Normally I'd have fallen straight back to sleep, but my bed linens looked a little crime scene -ish so I had to strip the bed and put on a wash, remake it and clean my face up too, so I ended up wide awake!!
Pity my flatmates weren't up, because I suspect my mad dash to the bathroom cupping my hands under my nose and desperately trying to avoid any dropping blood on the carpet was highly comical!!

Since I can't sleep I thought, "Why not blog?".

Here's my first ever RBL lacquer, the beautiful Anne


Anne is a dark olive/brownish green loaded with gold, pink and purple micro shimmer. It's super beautiful and elegant. I snapped it up for AUS$10 from The Polish Haven's blog sale. I used 2 coats for the pictures above with zero application issues! Dry time was good too.

This is part of the Tudor Wives Collection that I hope to get the complete set of one day - thanks to TPH I'm halfway there!!! Will have to show you Catherine H sometime soon - a Wedgwood blue with the same gorgeous pink and purple shimmer as Anne!!!!

What Rescue Beauty Lounge lacquers are you drooling over?



  1. Anne is an RBL worth having! I have yet to see that rich and complex of a shimmer in a similar color base. She is one of a kind. Congrats on your first RBL and thanks for the gorgeous swatch! Good luck on completing your Tudors set.

  2. I got my first RBL's a month or two ago! I've been wanting them for ages but shipping etc is so freaking expensive, I'm glad I just sucked it up and got a few though! And as to what I'm dooling over... The Tudor Wives collection is exactly what I am lusting so much over!! I hope you get the whole set cause then we can all look at your pretty pictures of them! :) Anne especially is so pretty!

  3. I actually HATE this color! I own way too many RBL polish and this was one-but I ended up giving it away! You make it look pretty though-maybe my taste has changed?


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