
Thursday 14 June 2012

OPI I Have A Herring Problem - hearing loss is no joke!!!

Hey guys,

Seriously, thanks to broken ipod head phones I have noticeable hearing loss in my left ear! It cracks me up to be honest because it only happened because I was way too cheap to buy new head phones when the right side stopped working.

I had the ear bud type that go right into your ears and attempt to cancel out background noise. I used to crank up the volume when I went to the gym etc to drown out all the other sounds - which is hard to do when only 1 ear can hear the music. Once I did get a new set, I realised the music was always way quieter on the left compared to the right  :( wah waaahhh

If I'm on my mobile call I usually have to hold the phone to my right ear because everything is muffled in the left. It's pretty shocking screwing up your own hearing in your early 20s!!

So if you listen to music with head phones PLEASE wear both ear buds so you don't munt your own hearing like me!

oh i'm a silly billy!!!

Back to the OPI, I really like this pun! So many of the OPI names annoy the heck out of me but I Have A Herring Problem makes me giggle!! And IHAHP is so pretty too.

I Have A Herring Problem
white light



 So it's a super dusty blue verging on concrete grey with gold shimmer fleck. The gold sort of sparkles other colours in certain lights too. In my photos it's picking up a lot of pink, which is awesome! I used 2 thickish coats for full coverage.

I Don't Give A Rotterdam is very similar to Herring but it's much cooler toned so Herring is my favourite! I love that OPI pulled a bit of a Zoya by including the warm/cool option. I feel like they don't pay much attention to flattering all skin tones in every collection the way Zoya tries to.

Which polish from the Holland Collection is your fav?



  1. I'm really sorry to hear that your hearing is dampened on one side but that's hilarious. Sounds like something I would do! I've had my eardrums perforated a total of 5 times between both sides and the last time was both sides a few years ago. When my eardrums healed I noticed I lost even more hearing. It really sucks. I would think it would be annoying though to have a different hearing level between the 2 ears.

    Love this swatch! Makes me want to go out and buy some right now!!

    1. Yeah it always makes me laugh too! It just seems so blonde!!! Argh perforated eardrums?!!! That sounds awful! You poor thing, Glad you like Herring too!!


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