
Saturday 16 June 2012

A (brief) Roll In The Hague

Arghhhhh, got my first exam tomorrow morning so I shall keep this romp in the orange hay very brief!

A Roll In The Hague

ARITH is the most vivid, intense, dark yet bright orange creme I have ever seen! I was too lazy to get all the photos I took of it off my camera, so this one photo will have to, though it does not do ARITH justice. Haha, a little pun of my own!!!!! It's darker in person and a hint more red toned.

This was my birthday mani this year and by the time I photographed it, I think I'd had it on for 3 days, hence the tip wear.
The formula is uber pigmented and slightly thick, self levelling dream to apply!!! You could get away with 1 thick coat, though I opted for 2 moderate coats.

I seriously stared at my nails non-stop for the first day I wore ARIYH, then I'd find myself distracted by them every now and then in lectures and while driving!!!!! Talk about a hazard!

One thing I love is that it almost wants to verge on red, but it still has yellow undertones so it is somewhat flattering on me :)

Did you pick up A Roll In The Hague when the Holland Collection came out earlier this year, too?

Time for bed now, so I can be bright eyed and bushy-tailed for my exam!!!



  1. Good luck on your exam! Ooh this looks like my kind of polish, I feel you about being distracted by nails :P

  2. Yes, this shade is just so wonderful!

  3. Oooh yes I got this for a great price on TradeMe earlier this year. I found it thick too so haven't used it again but my polishing skills have definitely improved since then so I might give it another try and post my efforts. Thanks for the inspiration ;)


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