
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Pink Wednesday

Hey ladies,

I remembered to go pink today, on my hands at least!

Fabuluxe - shade
Fabuluxe - sunlight

Fabuluxe -  sunlight

LA Splash Fabuluxe is a medium/dark pink jellyish base with silver and pink micro glitter & some sparser slightly larger pieces of dark blue glitter. The formula was great to work with and it only needed 1 coat of Seche Vite to get smooth and shiny!

I feel very girly!!!

Did you go pink today too? Don't forget to enter my giveaway - link on the sidebar!!!


Tuesday 29 November 2011

Some Love 4 BB Couture

Guten Arbend,

Some of my nails are having a hard time of late; there's some tearing & peeling going on. So I will be giving them a rest and finally show all the polish swatches I have stockpiled in my blogging folder!

Tonight I have 3 BB Couture shades. Enjoy

Kelly's Green - sunlight

Kelly's Green - sunlight

Kelly's Green is from the Vampy Varnish Collection (yes, Kelly of the blog Vampy Varnish  helped design BB polishes!!!). She describes it as an avocado green. It reminds me of guacamole dip! Not as bright or yellow as plain avocado, but better! It contains green or perhaps iridescent micro glitter and glitter flecks? that shine both blue, green and maybe yellow as well as sparse black specks . Now, I did find this a little more difficult to apply than some polishes but thicker coats may have helped. I think it's a 3 coater for opacity and evenness. You'll also want to slap on a layer of Seche Vite (or other thick TC) because it dries a little gritty. Isn't it a to die for unique green?

Pocahontas - sunlight

Pocahontas - shade

Pocahontas is a part of the Infamous Lovers Collection - along with her sweetheart John Smith.  She's a creamy taupe with little white glitter flecks (these might be in Kelly's Green too) and a very small amount of black specks, which seems to be a theme in BB Couture polish. This is a lovely colour, tres office apropos! It has a fairly watery formula, but I think that is just the way a lot of BB C's lacquers are. Not a bad thing, very manageable, it just requires 3 coats and a little technique adjustment (like most brands that are new to me!). The finish is high shine.

Romeo - indirect sunlight

Romeo - sunlight

You used to be my Romeo, oh oh oh oh. Romeo is also from the Infamous Lovers Collection and it really was love at first sight, sorry Juliet, he's MINE! He is described as a red pink with grey... honestly I don't know how to describe him myself. This colour is entirely unique unto himself. It is basically a pinky rust version of Lazy Bum (but Romeo came first!). Romeo has the same white/iridescent flecks of glitter - they shine pink and blue in these photos. The application was a bit easier, I believe I still used 3 coats but the formula was a bit thicker and I could have got away with 2. Another unique shade. I love. Something about the base makes me think of OPI Yucan-tan if you want. I must compare them, they might be in the same colour group - hard to describe!

You can purchase BB Couture from Overall Beauty - the link in my Where To Buy tab.


Monday 28 November 2011

A England - Holographic Mythicals

I don't much feel like typing tonight guys.

Instead here are the beautiful A England The Mythicals Holographics:
Sorry about the date stamps - after swatching 10 or so polishes I finally figured out how to get rid of it!

Tristam - natural light

Tristam - lamp

Tristam - lamp

 Tristam - named for King Arthur's knight (of the Tristan & Iseult romantic tragedy) - is a midnight blue with strong purple undertones and scattered fine holographic particles. It is absolutely unique & makes me swoon!!!! To top it off, the formula is gorgeous. Two coats of buttery goodness with fast dry time & a super smooth & glossy finish. You can definitely get away without wearing a top coat.

Lady of the Lake - natural light

Lady of the Lake - lamp

This photo's a bit blurry but you get the full holo effect so... Lady of the Lake is the purple grape version of Tristam. I feel like the holo is a little stronger in the Lady too. Perhaps it just shows up better in a lighter base though. The formula & finish is again, stellar!

These are my favourite non-linear holographic polishes. Do you have either of these, or are you planning on getting them? You can purchase A England from their website or from Llarowe. Adina (the creator) is launching a new collection soon; and word is she has more holos in store for us. Can't wait!!!! She really knows how to make a spot on formula & she produces fantastic colours.


Saturday 26 November 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Hello lacquer-heads,

Original title, right?! So I purchased 8/12 of the China Glaze Let It Snow Holiday 2011 Collection polishes. I didn't get the 2 darker reds or the silver foil because I already those sorts of shades and I left champagne bubbles because I thought the shade of yellow was a bit fowl - especially next to my skin.

Here's what I did get:

Poinsettia - lamp
This is pic heavy so click the link to see the rest after the break

Friday 25 November 2011


Is it weird that as soon as the word Mistletoe comes up my mind instantly goes to Camel-toe?

Season Greetings!

I believe our US friends have just enjoyed a Thanksgiving Day feast, jealous much? How come the States get more feast days than Kiwis? I think we should start a movement for a new holiday that involves food. So far we only have Christmas and Easter (if you count gorging on chocolate, which I do!). What does everyone think of Kiwi Lamb Day 2012? I think it could work...

Anyway moving right along - I got the Color Club Beyond the Camel-toe Mistletoe Collection while I was part way through the 31 Day Challenge, so it took me a long time to get all the swatches done. I have to say while these are some awesome glitters, I'm not entirely enthralled by them. I think I just expected a little more...

This is a bit pic heavy so I've post the rest of the post after the break
All swatches bar one are with top coat & sorry for the lack of clean-up, mostly it's stray glitter & dried SV on my cuticles!!!

This is a bit pic heavy so I've post the rest of the post after the break - click on Read More below the pic

CC Jingle Jangle - sunlight

Thursday 24 November 2011

NPA 50 Follower Giveaway CLOSED

This giveaway is now CLOSED

Hey Guys,

Yes! Finally cracked the big (wee) 5-0 on Google Friend Connect so it's time for a giveaway!
Thank you all so much for hanging around, because I love blogging about my polish, but I would have given up by now if it wasn't for the followers :)

Here's what one of you could win:

Ignore the book!
Top row L-R: China Glaze Crimson & Haunting from the Halloween 2011 Haunting Collection, Revlon Beach Scented Nail Polish, Cult Nails Always Winning, Barielle Welcome Ohm, LA Splash Love Crush, Olive Hand Moisturising Cream (NZ brand), Dollish Polish Frankens Expecto Patronum, I'm the ghost with the most babe, & Toxic Avenger

So a bit of a mish mash! A couple of the Dollish frankens aren't the actual bottles you'll receive (they're my used ones), but for the sake of a giveaway photo I popped in the correct colours. Just to be clear (seems everyone has a disclosure thingy of some sort) the prize was wholly purchased by me. And I may still add to it - just depends if some things turn up in the post by the time the giveaway closes or not. There may also be a bonus 2nd Prize if I can be bothered - real organised right?!

This giveaway is open Internationally
Closes 12am Saturday 10th December 2011

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

Guess what happened when I was checking out everyone's new posts tonight?
I found out that Jenn from All That Is Gorgeous nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award!

Thank you so much Jenn! I'm a fairly new follower to ATIG but I love everything I've seen so far. She's been swatching Wet n Wild glitters lately and I now want them all!!! She tends to feature jewellery as well as nail polish & she has some really pretty stuff. If you don't already know Jenn's blog you should definitely head over there!

There are 2 rules for this award:
1)List 7 things about yourself
2)Pass this award onto 15 other bloggers


About Me:

1) I live with my MUM & she is so good to me
2) I have to try and hide my polishes from Mummy so that she doesn't know how many I buy because she thinks my obsession has gone too far
3) This often results in my speeding out to check the mail & smuggling parcels upstairs to my bedroom (usually I stuff them inside my cardigan or  up my t-shirt -original, huh?!) without her seeing - I'm pretty sure I don't fool her!!!
4) I have a 5 month old Maltese puppy named Buster. He is hand to God, the cutest dog in the whole world (not that I'm biased or anything). He is also a terror!!!!!!!
5) I dropped out of Law School half way through my LLB because I just couldn't stay interested in anything but criminal law & I could never be a litigator -  I literally could not stay awake in my Torts lectures (3 days a week I would load myself full of caffeine but I always ended up head on laptop after 1/2 an hour)
6) I talk seriously fast. My nickname at uni was Micky Fast Kid. Most people just smile and nod when I speak to them.
7) I used to live in Christchurch & I really miss my friends who are still there :(

Versatile Blogger Nominees

My Nail Graffiti
Chromatic Misadventures
Ice Queen's Nail Parlour
The Nailasaurus
Let Them Have Polish
Deez Nails

The Kiwi With The Crazy Nails
Never Ending Obsession
GiMiKd Girl
Alexandra RC
Nails & Noms
Wacky Lacki
My Lucid Bubble
Did Someone Say Nail Polish?

I'm all smiley now!

Hope your days were all wonderful
