
Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

Guess what happened when I was checking out everyone's new posts tonight?
I found out that Jenn from All That Is Gorgeous nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award!

Thank you so much Jenn! I'm a fairly new follower to ATIG but I love everything I've seen so far. She's been swatching Wet n Wild glitters lately and I now want them all!!! She tends to feature jewellery as well as nail polish & she has some really pretty stuff. If you don't already know Jenn's blog you should definitely head over there!

There are 2 rules for this award:
1)List 7 things about yourself
2)Pass this award onto 15 other bloggers


About Me:

1) I live with my MUM & she is so good to me
2) I have to try and hide my polishes from Mummy so that she doesn't know how many I buy because she thinks my obsession has gone too far
3) This often results in my speeding out to check the mail & smuggling parcels upstairs to my bedroom (usually I stuff them inside my cardigan or  up my t-shirt -original, huh?!) without her seeing - I'm pretty sure I don't fool her!!!
4) I have a 5 month old Maltese puppy named Buster. He is hand to God, the cutest dog in the whole world (not that I'm biased or anything). He is also a terror!!!!!!!
5) I dropped out of Law School half way through my LLB because I just couldn't stay interested in anything but criminal law & I could never be a litigator -  I literally could not stay awake in my Torts lectures (3 days a week I would load myself full of caffeine but I always ended up head on laptop after 1/2 an hour)
6) I talk seriously fast. My nickname at uni was Micky Fast Kid. Most people just smile and nod when I speak to them.
7) I used to live in Christchurch & I really miss my friends who are still there :(

Versatile Blogger Nominees

My Nail Graffiti
Chromatic Misadventures
Ice Queen's Nail Parlour
The Nailasaurus
Let Them Have Polish
Deez Nails

The Kiwi With The Crazy Nails
Never Ending Obsession
GiMiKd Girl
Alexandra RC
Nails & Noms
Wacky Lacki
My Lucid Bubble
Did Someone Say Nail Polish?

I'm all smiley now!

Hope your days were all wonderful



  1. Thanks for the sweet words! I was just about to leave you a comment about the award!! I was too tired to do it last night LOL! I am glad you found it :)

  2. thanks for the tag! I'll give it a go. It's always good to find other NZ bloggers :)

  3. Congrats!! Exciting good luck xx


I love hearing from all my fabulous readers, but please do not link bomb here. If you would like me to check out your blog or other link please email me (PR/Contact tab above) instead. I will endeavour to reply to all questions/comments.