
Friday 25 November 2011


Is it weird that as soon as the word Mistletoe comes up my mind instantly goes to Camel-toe?

Season Greetings!

I believe our US friends have just enjoyed a Thanksgiving Day feast, jealous much? How come the States get more feast days than Kiwis? I think we should start a movement for a new holiday that involves food. So far we only have Christmas and Easter (if you count gorging on chocolate, which I do!). What does everyone think of Kiwi Lamb Day 2012? I think it could work...

Anyway moving right along - I got the Color Club Beyond the Camel-toe Mistletoe Collection while I was part way through the 31 Day Challenge, so it took me a long time to get all the swatches done. I have to say while these are some awesome glitters, I'm not entirely enthralled by them. I think I just expected a little more...

This is a bit pic heavy so I've post the rest of the post after the break
All swatches bar one are with top coat & sorry for the lack of clean-up, mostly it's stray glitter & dried SV on my cuticles!!!

This is a bit pic heavy so I've post the rest of the post after the break - click on Read More below the pic

CC Jingle Jangle - sunlight

CC Jingle Jangle -shade
 Jingle Jangle is purple and blue glitter in a clear base. I'm wearing 3 coats and the coverage is ok but there are a few bald spots. I had real trouble with this on my tips. The glitter just doesn't want to go to the edge. I can't remember if I actually tried wrapping them (cos it was only swatches). I used 2 coats of Seche Vite cos it dries really gritty and man is it hungry! I think to keep it smooth you'd need a layer of top coat every day. On my ring finger I have 2 layers of Jingle Jangle over OPI Swimsuit... Nailed It! Doesn't it look so much better with a blue base? I really wish the base was a blue jelly!!! The colour of this is nice - but for a non-holo glitter it's just average.

CC Candy Cane - sunlight

CC Candy Cane -shade
 Candy Cane is the other non-holo glitter in this set. It is a mixture of pink, silver and glowy sort of glitter you see a smidge of every now and then which is predominantly orange, in a clear base. I do wonder if it is actually just very sparse, fine holo glitter - can't be sure. In the photos I'm wearing 3 coats of CC on my index & ring finger. On my middle & pinkie I have 2 coats layered over Color Club Hot Like Lava. These glitters co-ordinate realy well with the Foiled collection FYI! This one is a little more special than JJ but I still wish the base was a pink jelly!!! This was just as gritty so it needed a minimum of 2 coats of SV.

CC Beyond the Mistletoe - lamp

CC Beyond the Mistletoe - indoor natural lighting
 Beyond the Mistletoe is a minty green & silver glitter with tons of holo glitter in a clear base. The holo glitter is so strong and awesome so this is one of my favourites. My index & ring have 3 coats of BTM, while my middle has 2 layers over CC Liquid Mol-ten & my pinkie has 2 coats over CC Lumin-icecence. I can't decide if I like it more over the green or the ice blue. What do you think? This one really reminds me of xmas tinsel!!!! Another top coat eater.

CC Holiday Splendor - lamp

CC Holiday Splendor - lamp
 Holiday Splendor is the only polish in the collection with a coloured base. This has a sea green jelly base with tons of holo & green glitter in it. The formula is a bit nicer on this one as a result too. I can't remember if this was 2 or 3 coats - but it's probably 3. I layered 2 coats over CC Liquid Mol-ten on my ring finger. This bares a striking resemblance to CC Untamed Luxury. The only difference is this one is more holo and about a shade or two darker than UT. I really like it. Can you see why I wish the others had coloured bases now?!

CC Sugarplum Fairy - sunlight

CC Sugarplum Fairy - sunlight

CC Sugarplum Fairy - artificial lighting
 I've showed you Sugarplum Fairy before. It is a mix of pale lavender, silver & holo glitter in a clear base. It is gorgeous! In these photos I wasn't wearing top coat though so it doesn't look quite as nice as it ought to. The holo is just as strong as in BTM. It is 3 coats as well & though the tips aren't perfect they look alright.

CC Gingerbread - sunlight

CC Gingerbread - lamp

CC Gingerbread - lamp
Gingerbread looked like a boring gold glitter in the promo shots so I almost didn't get it. The urge to have the complete set overcame me though, and I'm so glad because this is one of my favourites. Gingerbread is a mix of gold & holo glitter and what looks to me like some pink glitter. I'm wearing 3 coats on my index and middle fingers & 2 coats layered over Orly Shine on my ring & pinkie. This one isn't nearly as holographic as BTM & SF but still very noticeable. It is certainly my new fav gold glitter.

So to sum up these are pretty & the holo ones are very blingy. I just wish they were all in tinted jelly bases. The clear ones dry way too gritty for my liking and the non-holos are a bit boring. I'm sure I'll wear most of them - just not by themselves.

What do you think? Will you be getting any?


  1. Oooo I didn't pick up this shade from the collection, but seeing how gorgeous it looks on you, I just may need to grab it!


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