
Saturday 26 November 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Hello lacquer-heads,

Original title, right?! So I purchased 8/12 of the China Glaze Let It Snow Holiday 2011 Collection polishes. I didn't get the 2 darker reds or the silver foil because I already those sorts of shades and I left champagne bubbles because I thought the shade of yellow was a bit fowl - especially next to my skin.

Here's what I did get:

Poinsettia - lamp
This is pic heavy so click the link to see the rest after the break

 Poinsettia - lamp

Poinsettia is a lovely red creme. Not unique, but a good staple & beautiful formula. I used 3 coats just because it has that hint of VNL (visible nail line) like most red cremes - you can get away with 2! At 1 coat it looks quite pinky but by coat 3 it has more of a tomato red look about it in my opinion.

Ring in the Red - sunlight

Ring in the Red - sunlight
Ring in the Red - shade

Ring in the Red is a mixture of red micro & hex glitter in a clear base. At 3 coats I achieved full coverage, so this could be great layered. While Ruby Pumps is quite pink, RITR is more of a classic red. I only had a little trouble with getting the glitter to go to the edge of my tips and I think wrapping them would have solved that problem. It wasn't too gritty either. I'd give it 1-2 layers of Seche Vite.

Holly Days - overcast

Holly Days - overcast

Holly Days was one of the polishes I showed you during the 31 Day Challenge. A perfect Holly green - which translate to an ever so slightly yellow toned forest green IMO. It's a great neutral green all can enjoy. The formula was just as perfect as Poinsettia, but you only need 2 coats.

Glittering Garland - overcast

Glittering Garland - shade

Glittering Garland is a dark christmasy green with gold flake glitter. I thought it was an exact dupe for last year's Orly Meet Me Under the Mistletoe but when you compare the two; Orly's polish is so blue, while GG is more of a hunter green.

Twinkle Lights - lamp

Twinkle Lights - lamp

Twinkle Lights - lamp

I think Twinkle Lights was the most eagerly awaited polish from this collection. It is a mix of gold, red & green micro glitter in a clear base. Personally, I'm not really feeling it. I would have loved it the glitter was in varying sizes - maybe some round or small hex here and there? That said, it's still a really great holiday glitter. It takes 3-4 coats for full coverage on its own. Fantastic for layering - this is 2 think coats over L-R Poinsettia, Holly Days & OPI Glitzerland. I meant to only do a think layer over each one, but I screwed up my index and just decided to fully cover every nail after that. This reminds me most of a Christmas tree - since mum usually sticks to a red and gold colour theme for tree decorating.

Blue Year's Eve - overcast

Blue Year's Eve - overcast

Blue Year's Eve - sunlight

Blue Year's Eve is a beautiful dark-ish vibrant blue shimmer. It actually looks like the shimmer might be very fine glitter or glass fleck but the overall effect is shimmer IMO. Very pretty, but needs 3 coats due to it's kind of sheer formula. Dries pretty quick though.

Snow Globe - lamp - L-R: 2 coats over OPI Black Onyx, Blue Year's Eve, alone, CND Perfectly Bare

Snow Globe - lamp - L-R: 2 coats over OPI Black Onyx, Blue Year's Eve, alone, CND Perfectly Bare

Snow Globe - lamp - L-R: 2 coats over OPI Black Onyx, Blue Year's Eve, alone, CND Perfectly Bare

Snow Globe is a re-release from the Specialty Glitters line. Very pretty opal small & large hex in a clear base. It does look like snow globe snow!!! Definitely a layering lacquer, though. I like it over the black best so I'm going to have to try it out over some christmasy colours - I'm not a fan of the yellowy colour it goes in lots of light so I think the darker the base the better - doesn't the yellow look icky over the nude? I thought it would be perfect over Blue Year's Eve, but I'm not really sold. Maybe over a darker blue, hmmmm....

Tinsel Town - lamp

The gem of the collection, Tinsel Town is a beautifully gorgeous dark silver micro & hex glitter in a grey jelly tinged base. Very similar to the It's Alive formula and finish. The bonus? Two coats gives perfect coverage. Sorry I don't have more shots of it, they all came out blurred :( This is the must have of the collection for me. Maybe not very christmasy but it's Awesome sauce all year round!!

So what are your thoughts on this collection? Money well spent? I think that considering they stuck to christmas/snowy winter themed colours they did a great job!!! Thanks China Glaze - now I just wish I was in the Northern Hemisphere for xmas!



  1. Very nice! I have Poinsettia and I love it, even though I thought I hated reds on me. lol.

  2. I only got velvet bow. I almost picked up holly jolly but figured i probably already had a green like that!


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