
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Victoriana Principles of Modernity Swatch & Review

Victoriana Intemporal Nail Polish was a pretty big let down for me.

When I first discovered this Indie on Etsy I thought they all looked amazing and I was right on board with the Victorian era, steam punk theme.

I ordered 3 and after at least a month they turned up, 2 underfilled, 1of which also seemed to be lacking in glitter also - like it was the dregs of a poorly mixed batch. Basically, when I compared my own swatches to the listing  swatches, what they showed as being 2 coats took 4+ for me to achieve.

Principles of Modernity looked like an royal blue jelly with bits of holo glitter. In reality it's a purple that photographed blue (an acceptable mistake IMO and I probably should have read the listing properly, then I wouldn't have been so disappointed to find it wasn't a blue!). Also it's super sheer and the glitter is SPARSE!

For the photos below I'm wearing BYS Ultra Violet a base and 2 coats of POM.

Principles of Modernity

 It's pretty and all, but I feel like the glitter ought to have been much more dense at 2 coats and that the base of the polish ought to have be able to build to opacity. I really hate when products are misrepresented!!!!!!

Here's BYS Ultra Violet by itself.
Ultra Violet

Victoriana has also just disappeared off the face of the earth recently!!! Overall Beauty could not get in contact with the polish maker and product shipments never turned up so OB was forced to refund all outstanding orders and sever the partnership. The Victoriana etsy store has also been deleted with who knows how many people left in the lurch? I know that some were refunded without explanation.

So all in all, I suppose I'm lucky I actually got my order. Though, since they're not at all what I wanted I would kind of prefer to have been issued a refund!!!!

Has anyone else had any 'burning' experiences with indie polishes?

This is my only negative one to date and at the time I was willing to just not buy from Victoriana and leave it at that, but since I learned of the rest of the shadiness that went on I wish I'd complained at the time!!!!



  1. Gosh that is terrible, I've been looking at this company for a while but never bought from them as the colour just seemed a little overpriced. Glad I didn't now!

  2. Oh that purple is so pretty! I like the base color all by itself!

  3. I think I was one of the lucky ones that didn't stumble on Victoriana. I would have snatched up some of her polishes for the same reasons as you. It's disappointing when you spend so much on a polish and it's underwhelming at best. I read a blog post last week from a British blogger about the Indie polish bubble and how, sadly, several seem to be in it only to make a quick buck and that it has nothing to do with the passion for beautiful polishes. Thanks for writing this post. I think it helps all of us to remember to try to keep our wits about us when buying polish from a newer indie brand.

  4. I haven't had any experience with indie polishes, but seeing blog posts like this pop up all over the place, I'm begining to feel discouraged... Guess I'll have to think twice and hunt for reviews before trying any indies. My budget doesn't need any more holes in it, especially ones made by dissapointing products or dishonest sellers!

    1. Yeah they really do cost a fortune compared to the mainstream brands, but I have so many other indie polishes that are just fantastic, so I'll keep sacrificing food money for them!!!!

  5. she's my one bad indie experience. I spent $80, didn't get the polishes, and didn't get the courtesy of a reply. It sucks that you DID get the polishes, and that still wasn't a win :( x

    1. It was your blog post that made me post the negative review!!! I'm a bit stupid because even after I got my order and was disappointed, I was willing to buy some of her other polishes, but the price and lengthy wait time held me back, I'm just glad I wasn't flush with cash!!!!

  6. I was burned by Victoriana, too. No polishes, no refund. There have to be a few bad apples in the bunch, I guess.

    1. That sucks, If you want to pay for shipping you're welcome to mine!!!

  7. I had seen them when they were on etsy and had been lusting after their polishes. They looked utterly gorgeous. When I finally went to order I was devestated that they were gone. So I hunted and found that they had opened up their own store.

    On September 2nd I ordered one polish from them. Thankfully I only ordered ONE, I held back from ordering 3! My money was taken, but I never got my polish. It's been 2 weeks and I tried to track my order from their site. I wasn't able to because the invoice number and receipt was never sent to me. I've not recieved any communication from them. I even filled out their "contact us" form and have had no response.

    I was so happy to have found them and really looking forward to collecting all of their polish. I am so upset. I wish I had seen this post BEFORE I ordered, otherwise I never would have placed my order. *sigh*

    1. I'm so sorry!!! Thank god it was only the 1 polish though. I can't believe they are still operating the business like that!

    2. I know!!! I am really hoping mine will take a month to get here like yours did. But thankfully I paid with paypal so hopefully if I don't get my polish, maybe paypal will refund me. I'll have to look into it when the time comes. Their website should be taken down though, if they are taking people's money but not actually giving them their product.

    3. Kim at overallbeauty never got hundreds of dollars of polish and contacted this new site and never heard back either


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