
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Try It On Tuesday: China Glaze HI DEF

It's that time of the week... TRY IT ON TUESDAY!

Jilltastic Nail Design is also spearheading a weekly nail art challenge group; with the theme this week being BLUE, in honour of AMC.

I have no idea what nail art I'll be doing for the challenge. Considering I am on holiday with only a box of polishes for company, it could be something dull indeed. I might manage a sponge gradient though... Don't hold your breath!!!

So I also chose a blue untried in keeping with raising AMC awareness - which I'd never heard of before today.

I bought 4 China Glaze Tronica scattered holos from Dandy Nails blog sale, some months back. I think they arrived during a tidal wave of nail mail and I only ever managed to swatch them on a nail wheel! But I've brought them all on holiday with the hopes of trying them out.

Hi Def
lamp - flash

lamp - flash

lamp - macro

Hi Def is a greyed/silvery cornflower blue scattered holo. The holo particles are ultra-fine unlike the Milani 3D polishes, so to me, the Tronica polishes look like 3D shimmers when they hit the right lighting. We're having some seriously strong wind and rain storms at the moment so it's impossible to get a photo outdoors, let alone in full sun!!!

You only need 2 coats, but application is a PITA!!! It's just like applying an OMG holo, every time I paint over the same spot, it scrapes off all the polish!!! Make sure you let the first coat dry fully before applying the 2nd layer! I ended up barely putting any pressure on the brush and sort of floating the nail polish on to my nails... It looked alright in the end with 1 layer of INM Out the Door top coat.

Does using an aqua base coat solve the tricky application issues? I can't find any that cost less than an arm and a leg! MJ Nail Bank sells Nfu Oh Aqua Base, but only in sets with their holos and I don't need any more!!!!!!

For a full list of Try It On Tuesday participants click HERE or there is an incomplete list on my side bar.

What 'untried' are you rocking today?



  1. OOOOHHHH i am loving this color!

  2. This is one gorgeous holo! I love them!

  3. If you still want to get Aqua Base, you can get it on its own from NZ Nail Academy fro $22.90. That's where I got mine :)
    By the way, this polish is so freaking pretty!!

    1. thanks Anneke! I forgot that they now sell to the public too!!


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