
Friday 27 April 2012

Unabashed Puppy Love

I spent a while trying to coax Charlie up on to my back and was shocked when it actually happened! I think he might actually understand English sometimes, haha! Only he sat on my ample rear end and sort of slowly slid down it! Mum managed to snap some photos first though. And Buster had to get in on the act by attacking my hair (for the hair tie).

This was the day before I went back to Christchurch so they're special pics for me :)

I've been pretty slack with posts but I'll try to stick to a schedule from now on. There are so many swatches waiting to be uploaded! I just can't be bothered with the writing part!!

Feel free to tell me how beautiful the boys are!!!!! And does anyone out there have a supposed 'pure breed' maltese with such a wavy unruly coat like Buster's?



  1. your dogs are seriously soooo cute!!!!

  2. Oh-M-Gee!!! How sweet are your little doggies? Too cute! :D

  3. I love the little fella attacking your hair for the hair tie. Bless him!!

    1. he's really good at getting them out of my hair, and he rarely pulls too hard! he's a determined little devil unfortunately!!!!

  4. Your puppies are sooo cute!!

  5. Cute pictures - your doggies are adorable!!


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