
Saturday 28 April 2012

Dollish Polish - Fat Guy in A Little Coat

This is one of my favourite Dollish Polish lacquers of all time. And it really surprised me because I usually run away from frosty finishes.

Fat Guy in a Little Coat is inspired by a scene in Tommy Boy where Chris Farley puts on David Spade's coat and does a little dance. I just watched the scene myself, it's pretty funny when the coat splits in two! I think the combination of the beige/dessert khaki base and the green and blue glitters mimic the layers of clothing Farley wears in the scene.

white light

white light


I played around with Fat Guy In A Little Coat before I settled on layering it over Essie's Case Study for the swatches above. On it's own the polish is fairly sheer, so you need at least 3 layers to eliminate VNL. By that stage the shimmery beige/khaki base ends up obscuring the blue and green hex glitter and looks very frosty.
On a whim, I put one coat on over Case Study which was the closest match in my stash and I think the result is amazing. FGIALC ended up looking like it does in the bottle, only opaque! The overall effect looks to me like a pith helmet in the jungle!!!

If you don't mind using it as a top coat and you love unique/fugly polishes I definitely recommend getting your hands on FGIALC when Dolly next restocks the store.


  1. i like it too and thats weird for a frosty.

  2. Ohhh I love the gold-blue colour combo! This is absolutely gorgeous.


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