
Thursday 1 December 2011

Dollish Polish - can't get enough!

Ahoy hoy polish pals,

That was a gosh darn awful greeting, I apologise. I usually do not like that apologise is a verb. When people on US tv say, "I apologise," I feel like yelling (and sometimes do) "just say you're sorry, idiot!"
So moving right along...

I have the last (sigh, tear) of my Dollish Polish frankens to show you today. Ah, I just remembered I have 3 more that I got crappy pics of so I'll have them to show you at some point hooray!!



Colour Correction to show the blue more accurately

It Wasn't Over, It's Still Not Over - I'll admit, this one sucked me in purely because of the name! How good was The Notebook?!! That scene creates intense emotions no matter how many times I've seen it. Dolly based IWOISNO on the blue dress Ally's wearing in this scene - soaked through, on the jetty, in Noah's arms - Ryan Gosling was never finer... This is a medium blue shimmer with small rough silver glitter. The roughness of the glitter is kind of a head scratcher up close because it's rather bumpy, but once you see it from a short distance it looks awesome. Definitely use a thick top coat though.


Lamp - colour correction

My Little Buttercup is a sunshine yellow creme with silver holo micro glitter and a little bit of shimmer (I think). I really love this one. The micro glitter definitely elevates the polish and sets it out from all the other yellows out there. It applies really well too. I didn't have much of a streaking problem like most yellows, at 2 coats this was opaque and even.



Goonies Never Say Die is how I imagined China Glaze Champagne Bubbles ought to be. A light gold metallic strewn with small and relatively sparse gold glitter. The bumpiness of the gold makes it really look like little nuggets!! This is way way more flattering than the CG polish and a great colour for xmas. Perfect 2 coat application. I'm trying to think up some xmas themed nail art I can showcase GNSD in.



Drop, Your, Sword - who hasn't seen The Princess Bride?! This pale ice blue shimmer was inspired by Buttercup's wedding dress. It contains gold micro and hex glitter - the combination is In-Cred-I-Ble!!!!!! Just make sure you shake the bottle up before you apply though cos the hexs like to hang around the bottom of the bottle. This is another 2 coater.

Dolly has lots of awesome frankens for sale, but I think Drop, Your, Sword is one of the best. I don't have any pastel ice blue shimmers and I doubt there are any out there with as fabulous a formula as this! I love a wearable glitter too, especially if it involves large hex!!!

So don't be shy, if you like what you see (and I'm not sure why you wouldn't), head along to Dollish Polish on Etsy and get yourself some of these!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh I love Dollish Polish, just orderd a couple from here and some awesome fimo along with it!


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