
Friday 2 December 2011

DISQUS removed & Giveaway Reminder

Hey guys,

I tried out the DISQUS comment system over the last few days because I really wanted the ability to reply to individual comments. I does take longer to leave comments though because they want all sorts of info off you! And the feedback about it wasn't too positive, so I've reverted back to the old system.

The giveaway is running for 1 more week so I urge you to enter now - link on top of the sidebar. There will be a bonus prize draw of 2 polishes yet to be determined. So next Sunday I'll use to draw two winners yay! If the winner lives overseas, chances are the prize won't arrive until after xmas because our guaranteed xmas delivery date has lapsed :( But it could still brighten up your New Year!!!

I'll leave you with a non-pink (with Fingers in mind):


Smouldering by NYX Girl in the sunlight.



  1. DUDE-it's YOUR blog-if you like that disqus keep it-I was just being honest-I say that to all the blogs with that system-why don't you try the intense debate that I have? It sends you an email and you can reply to the email and it posts it on your blog!! I certainly didn't mean to sound like a jerk and have you remove it!!!

  2. Good to know about Disqus actually. Was thinking about it myself.

  3. @ Fingers Don't worry I wasn't keen on the system myself, I usually don't comment when other people have a disqus system either because of all the extras you have to enter and I appreciated the feedback! What system do you use?

  4. yay! I don't like Disqus either >.<

  5. You got me here. I think im imitating you.


I love hearing from all my fabulous readers, but please do not link bomb here. If you would like me to check out your blog or other link please email me (PR/Contact tab above) instead. I will endeavour to reply to all questions/comments.