
Thursday 21 July 2011

OPI Espana Collection Fall 2009

Greetings all today I have an older OPI Collection for you.

From Fall 2009 Coleccion de Espana has some really gorgeous colours. Actually the whole collection is a winner with me and actually rivals the France Collection, OMG!

Here are the polishes I have managed to get my hands on so far:

Manicurist of Seville : Red berry creme. So like Malaga Wine only MW has a more jelly like finish and MOS is a proper creme. Difference only noticeable in direct light where MOS is more muted and berry like compared to the redder MW. 2 coats for perfect coverage.

Pamplona Purple: Purple creme with red/pink undertones. Dupe for Zoya Demi but nicer formula. 2 coats is perfection. This pic was in actual sunlight (for once - I tend to swatch at night sorry).

 Suzi Skies In The Pyrenees is a very dark charcoal blue base with very fine grey/white shimmer. TBH it looks pretty much black unless you're in the sun or under bright light, but all my friends that've seen it think its awesome, so I'll go along with that ha ha! I had a bit of cuticle drag but I was probably in a rush when I was swatching it & thicker coats make it opaque in 2, doing thinner coats I went for 3 or too much VNL happened. But I'm a VNL Nazi - even a hint only noticeable in extreme close up is intolerable to me!


 Ate Berries In The Canaries - Gorgeous bright purple fuchsia creme. More or less a dupe for Dim Sum Plum, but on close examination DSP is a little dustier/duller. Interestingly my mum will wear DSP but not ABITC - even though they look the same to me. She thinks ABITC is too bright for a woman her age. Whatever! It's my fav in the collection by far.

Bullish on OPI - I really don't understand the name. Is it some sort of pun I can't figure out? Couldn't it have been called Bull Fight or Matador or something more understandable? Anyway this is a brick red creme. I like it because I have nothing else like it in my collection yet and it is very complimentary to my warm skintone. Most reds are too blue based (which I adore) so I end up with really ghostly looking hands!!! This is a red I can wear without self-consciousness hooray. Also a bit more sophisticated IMO.

So there you have it, an oldie but a goodie. I still want to get my hands on more of these babies, especially No Spain, No Gain & Can You Tapas This? Maybe even Conquistadorable Coral...

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