
Tuesday 19 July 2011

NOTD OPI Blue My Mind Cloudy Skies

Howdie Ladies!

Right now my kitty cat Sophie & my puppy dog Charlie are having a snooze and a cuddle on my bed! Well poor 21 year old Sophie is actually  following me and head butting me trying to get some more attention. I think she's so senile she doesn't realise she's had lots of love already today!!! But she is beautiful so I don't mind too much.

Here's what I did to my nails this morning:

OPI Blue My Mind stamped with White Special Polish Clouds (m79)

First I put on some base coat and 3 coats of OPI Blue My Mind because it just arrived the other day and I'd been dying to see if it was as amazing as I had always dreamed it... It is!!!!!!!! I can't believe it took me so long to buy BMM. A perfect royal blue - sheer which explains the need for 3 layers, but it's worth it especially since the formula is so thin and goes on smoothly.

Close up with flash

Next I stamped the cloud pattern from m79 on each nail using White Konad Special Polish. Probably not the best colour to put on top of a dark blue cos it shows through a bit but I think it worked. Very average stamping job on my behalf but I'm still learning the art of Konad so big whoop.When I put my hand out in front of my face it looked like I was wearing Sally Hansen Nail Wraps so I was quite happy!

With 1 coat of OPI Last Friday Night

Lastly I put on 1 coat of OPI Last Friday Night because I wanted it to look a bit rainy, but it just looks sparkly to me. And there's nothing wrong with that! I think it is cute anyway - not all that age appropriate but I didn't have work so :p !!!!!

What do you think? I ordered the new Bundle Monster plates yesterday too! Can't wait for them to arrive
xxx NPA

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