
Monday 16 December 2013

piCture pOlish Collab-Fest 2013

piCture pOlish are always coming up with innovative ways to display and promote their lacquers, especially with nail blogers. 
Collab-Fest 2013 is just one of the reasons I love collaborating with them!

Today we celebrate all the amazing collaboration shades released this year.

And here's the other reason I love pp: 
they made me my dream polish!


I know my photos do my shade no justice (herehere, here and here are some colour accurate shots), but gosh darn it, I love them anyway!

Every single time I wear my collab-shade I find something new to love about it. Like today when I was taking photos in the last of the evening light, I realised it was all the colours of a summer's sunset! Pink and orange and gold! Got my very own tequila sunrise on my fingertips!!!

I've misplaced the labelled bottle so sorry about that... I've used about 1/3 of the sample one already - and in case it's not clear to non-polish hoarders; that is an unprecedented number of manicures using the same polish!
Wearing Electric Dream always manages to put a smile on my dial :)

Please visit all the other Collab-Fest posts from the amazing ladies who created shades with piCture pOlish this year. There are some real stunners I have huge crushes on, and some I'm lucky enough to already own.



  1. Such a beauty. I love the gold shimmer in this, it's just gorgeous!

  2. Lovely nails :)

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