
Sunday 1 December 2013

Emily de Molly Stamping Plate 01

Emily de Molly has started making stamping plates! Two are already available (EDM01 & 02) and three more are coming soon. You have to take a look for yourself because these plates are the best I've ever seen - no joke.

I've used a couple of the patterns off EDM01 so far - enjoy.

The Polish Well Haru Haru stamped with Konad Special Polish White & EDM01

This is the pattern from the top right of the plate. It transfers perfectly for an intricate design (the middle finger is a mess because I'm a shit stamper).

The Polish Well Tonight stamped with A England Princess Sabra & EDM01

 This pattern is Emily de Molly's signature lace design featured on her business cards - from the bottom of the plate. It transferred perfectly too - though it may be hard to tell in the photos! 

I think I'm digging these pretty patterns because they have a delicate femininity about them (and don't seem at all childish like a lot of my stamping plates) and can all be used horizontally or vertically without screwing up the design.

01 & 02 are currently sold out but hopefully they will be back in stock when 03, 04 & 05 launch!


1 comment:

  1. Pretty! I wonder if Llarowe would ever get these.... :D


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