
Friday 12 July 2013

The 'Because I Passed My Exams' Giveaway

Hey ladies

I'm halfway through my Vet Nurse Certificate course now Wooohhhh!
We had exams over the last two weeks and last Friday we started on a 3 week break before the hard yards of semester 2 begin!

I thought I'd completely stuffed up my exams. The pass mark is 70% and so I was quaking in my boots praying that I would be invited to resit all the ones I failed.
Then came the moment when I checked my results... They listed the results online under our student id numbers so we could see how the whole class went. So I got out my id card and went hunting through the 7 separate results lists (we have 7 papers).

Well I couldn't f**ing believe it! Literally. I'd passed everything and actually done bloody well for myself. I really have no idea how it happened! I emailed my tutor to double check they hadn't mistaken my student id for another's! I was so on edge waiting to hear back from her. I was too scared to celebrate and accept that they were my real marks.
When I heard back,  she assured me that they truly were my results and congratulated me.

Talk about AWESOME! I felt soooooooooo relieved too! The assignments/course work have been stressing me out to the maxxxxxx so it's amazing to know I can get some of it right, lol!

Anyway, to celebrate I'm hosting a wee giveaway for my lovey readers! When I'm stressed out about class, blogging is such a great distraction and outlet! Especially when I read your comments here and on facebook.
Thank you for stopping by now and then to see what my nails are up to and saying hi :)

There will be two prizes up for grabs.
1) $20 Harlow & Co voucher - open to everyone
2) Random Polish Prize Pack - open to NZ residents only due to shipping restrictions

I wish I could ship polish internationally but too many packages have been returned with warnings of fines or just disappeared in to the mail abyss.
The polish prize pack contains 4 BN lacquers so far and I'll likely add to it.
NZ residents are eligible to enter for both prizes. I will draw two winners so if a kiwi wins the Harlow & Co voucher they won't also get the polish pack - that makes it a little fairer right?

The giveaway started Thursday 11 July (on facebook because I was too tired to write the blog post til now, sorry) and ends Saturday 20 July 12:00am (so really Friday night NZ time).
You do not have to actually follow the blog to enter, though there are bonus entries for those of you who do. All I ask for is a contact email so I can get in touch with you if you win and if you live in New Zealand. Please be honest here so I can get the winners drawn in a timely manner. I will disqualify your entries if I find you do not reside in NZ.

Good Luck and Thank You!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. That is amazing news about your results! Congrats, Michaela!!

  2. heyyyyy :) congrats on the exams!!! i use bloglovin and feedly :)

  3. Congrats on passing your exams! =)

  4. Congrats for your exam marks! ^^ I mainly use bloglovin' for following now ;)

  5. Congrats on passing your exams, it must have been a hard exam! I still use Blogger/GFC to follow everyone.

  6. Congrats on your successes so far. Best wishes on the rest to come!

  7. I honestly still use the Blogger dashboard! I have never felt like I needed anything else. :)

  8. Congratulations! I am totally not a sciency person so I respect your hard work and dedication! Thanks for the chance to win, BTW :) I am a huge fan of bloglovin!

  9. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, and congratulations on passing of your examination! :D I mostly used Bloglovin' to read blogs, due to the limit set by blogger. Besides, I could just click click click on bloglovin and it automatically opens in new tabs. :3

  10. Nice work! Hope you get a good break without too much homework! I use Bloglovin

  11. I've been using Bloglovin since I started following mani blogs. Congrats on yr results!

  12. I catch up on blog posts via Feedly ^^

  13. Bloglovin. Thank you for the giveaway!!

  14. Yay for your exams!! Congratulations. I still use my blogger dashboard or bloglovin' :)

  15. Congrats on your exams!!! I've always used Bloglovin'.

  16. Congraulations, lady! Bloglovin' is my vice of choice :D

  17. Gratz on passing your exams! I'm using Bloglovin'.

  18. Oooh, that's great! Congrats! I use bloglovin :)

  19. Thanks so much for this amazing giveaway and for opening it up to everyone. :) I use Blogger via GFC to follow.

    ~ Yun

  20. The Old Reader, it's amazing!!

  21. Congrats & thanks for having this giveaway!! I use Bloglovin' & Facebook to catch up on the blogs I follow.

  22. Congratulations! I use Bloglovin'.


I love hearing from all my fabulous readers, but please do not link bomb here. If you would like me to check out your blog or other link please email me (PR/Contact tab above) instead. I will endeavour to reply to all questions/comments.