
Friday 31 May 2013

Picture Polish O'Hara - oh my!

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Hahahahahahaha, I was trying to think of a way to start this post, cue Buster. He's mounted his giant lime green mink blanket and humping the heck out of it! So entertaining, and strangely cute at the same time. His blanket is the only thing he molests. I just love that he makes the blanket his bitch :)

Anywho... I'm a big Gone with the Wind fan; mainly because of Rhett, because Scarlet is a huge B word!! So O'Hara wins for the name alone.

piCture pOlish O'Hara

O'Hara is a perfect candy red with scattered silver holographic shards. I'm a huge fan of orange/coral toned reds and I adore PP's scattered holos so she's a no brainer! I applied two flawless coats for full coverage. My camera was picking up a more orange tone in the light box so I included a photo with flash to show of the truer base colour.

You can grab this and innumerable other lacquer gems from piCture pOlish online for AU$12 or any of their network resellers.

What is your favourite red lacquer?? Please share them with me in the comments section below!



  1. Haha love your opening story!

  2. Haha, I love Gone With the Wind too and suspect Scarlet may be the origin of the phrase "Bitch be cray!" Such a pretty polish!


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