
Saturday 6 April 2013

Orly High On Hope is magical!

My first week of clinic is over! And it wasn't quite as frightening as I thought it'd be. I've already fallen in love with a couple of strays that were brought in (a wee wittle puppy, and a teeny kitten that my classmate adopted!!). It's so hard not being able to take them home!
Can't wait for next week when I go back again and get to do more handling!!!

So I love, love, LOVE High On Hope from Orly's Hope & Freedom Fest Collection for Spring 2013!

It's Orly Cosmic FX Space Cadet meets a teal leaning navy crème = AMAZEBALLS

Orly High On Hope

High On Hope is slightly teal leaning navy with pink to green multi-chrome flake shimmer! One of my favourite finishes!!! Application was pretty decent too, I only needed two coats thought they were a little thick. I got a few bubbles/bumps on my middle and index fingernails but I'm not sure if that was my base coat, my application or the polish's fault.

Aaaahhhhh, I love that fuchsia sparkle!!!!!!!! I wasn't expecting Orly to rock out such a gorgeous colour but I have to say from their last few collections there has been one lone stand out shade for me. And this time it's High on Hope.

I just picked up Elation Generation yesterday and it's also pretty special :) I'm sad about the rebranding they've done though :( Luckily my bottles are the old style but I'm not looking forward to the change over, I hate it when my polish labels don't match!!!!

What are your thoughts?



  1. Ohh very pretty! I haven't seen this one yet. I will have to keep my eye out for it.

  2. This is so gorgeous! I definitely want it now.


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