
Monday 1 April 2013

Elevation Tindur - a long lost swatch?

Happy Easter Monday!

Pretty sure nothing amazing happened to the risen Jesus today - he was still probably spreading the word that he had risen and people were doing the happy dance, maybe that's the rationale behind the four day weekend?
Anyway, it's pretty sweet so I won't continue to question it!

I'm mentally gearing up for a return to class tomorrow, Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! So will leave this short and sweet.
I did lots of Elevation swatches a few months ago and Tindur managed to get lost in my edited file, so here she is:

Elevation Polish Tindur

Tindur is a little hard to describe. It's a very white blue-green pastel with ultra subtle shimmer. So hidden is this shimmer, that it's really only visible to the naked eye in the macro shot! Pretty though.
The application was a bit streaky and uneven like most pastels until the third coat and some Seche Vite evened it out.
I compared Tindur to Essie Who's the Boss and it was obviously bluer so there's a frame of reference for you!

Awh, looking at these photos is making me sad, my nails were so beautifully long-ish. Boy, I hope the animals at my first clinic are super cute to make up for the nubs I'm sporting!!! There's bound to be one sweetheart :)

Enjoy your last day of vacay bliss! Ooohhh and don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY


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