
Wednesday 20 March 2013

The wretched right hand makes an appearance

I keep all my small and mini bottles of polish in a separate area from my full sized bottles. When I was in Christchurch, they sat in a desk rack; but since I moved back to Auckland they have been sitting in a box all jumbled together and forgotten!!!

All of my amazing Specialita Hits polishes have been shunned since November and truth be told for the second half of last year too.
So when I was choosing which polish to wear on my first day of Course, I decided the Hits had to make a comeback!

I ended up picking the orange jelly flakie Hula from the Mundo de Dancas Collection. I'd never worn it and the orange is eye-searingly bright and summery, so it was the obvious choice.

Specialita Hits Hula with Butter London West End Wonderful gradient

 Hula is a scorching orange jelly with orange flakies. It almost attacks your eyes it's so saturated. I applied 3 thin coats and there was still slight VNL.

On the second day I added a gold glitter gradient to the tips - just to hide them really!!! I'm not great at the glitter gradient and am yet to try a real gradient using The Nailasaurus' method so it's pretty messy, but change is good! Gotta keep stepping out of my nail comfort zone :)

 The first two photos were of my right hand, yikes! They look so back to front!! I once swatched on both hands but it has been a few years and I am severely rusty and shaky with the photos!!! I just can't position my right hand nicely for photos.

Have you mastered the Glitter Gradient yet? Feel free to give me pointers guys!!!!! Please?


1 comment:

  1. What are you talking about! That's a lovely gradient :) Nice polish, too :D


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