
Monday 26 November 2012

The BATTLE #2: Black vs White

Yeah, so this post is soooo late, sorry if you were looking forward to it!
It's been a really busy 2 weeks and the blogging has been suffering as a result. My nails have been changing almost daily, but the posting, not so much!

So this is the second challenge: Black vs White:

 OPI Alpine Snow


indirect sunlight

Nubar Black Polka Dot

OPI Metallic 4 Life

Wet n Wild Fergie Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night

Pahlish Typewriter Keys

For this challenge I went for both black and white. I have heaps of black glitter top coats so I pulled a few of them out for once!!!
I started with 2 coats of OPI Alpine Snow, followed by 2 coats of;  Nubar Black Polka Dot (pinkie), OPI Metallic 4 Life (ring), Wet n Wild Fergie Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night (middle) and Pahlish Typewriter Keys (index), over top. Then I finished with a coat of NYC GCS top coat.

In the macro shots you can see lots of bubbles, woops! Might need to thin that top coat...

My favourite top coat is the Pahlish. Black and white shredded matte glitter plus iridescent white glitter and shimmer is so gorgeous!

In a battle are you for BLACK or WHITE?

Don't forget to check all the other participants Challenge #2 posts:



  1. I've been eyeing off Nubar Black Polka Dot for a while, and this just makes me want it more!

  2. Great manicure!
    It's a pity you don't link to the other participants though :(

    1. ooohhh thanks for reminding me!!!! I completely forgot when i was writing the post, will do it now.

  3. Goodness! I didn't want Typewriter Keys til I saw this, you've done it again Michaela! ;)

    1. oh no's! If you have a black and white shredded you do not need it! If, however you don't... Looks better over a coloured base too so you can see both the black and white + the shimmer

  4. Ab fab so love it. Your close ups are awesome, what camera do you use?

    1. It's my mum's! It's got a pretty big lens with optical zoom, sort of halfway between a compact and a detachable lens camera. Will check what model for you

  5. I love all these different glitter together! :D


I love hearing from all my fabulous readers, but please do not link bomb here. If you would like me to check out your blog or other link please email me (PR/Contact tab above) instead. I will endeavour to reply to all questions/comments.