
Sunday 28 October 2012

Kinda Halloween-y?

Hey everyone!

It's so weird writing a post once a week. Every time I think I have some time to sit down and blog, it feels very foreign!

Since I haven't done any Halloween type manis yet, here is the closest I have gotten, using a Dollish Polish Halloween release: We're Simply Meant To Be

I'm wearing a base of KB Shimmer Lilac Dreams - a microglitter/shimmer  pink/purple duochrome. Next I've got on 2 coats of  Dollish Polish  WSMTB - a clear base with purple, yellow, blue and wine glitters. I ended up sandwiching it with a coat of Verity Deep Violet - a dark purple jelly.

Dollish Polish We're Simply Meant To Be



We're Simply Meant To Be  has fine light purple square glitter, micro blue and wine glitters, small blue hex and medium yellow/gold and wine hex glitters. Dolly always does a great job of mixing chunky and finer glitters together in a way that works great on the nail. Too many Indies just focus on the chunky glitters and end up looking un-co on the nail! I love the addition of the bright matte blue glitterts and the yellow/gold glitter seriously pops! Application is easy peasy, no placement required. Two coats gave very decent coverage as a top coat. Dry time was also great and the glitter is well suspended.

So not too Halloween-y, but pretty all the same, right?

WSMTB was limited edition but you can purchase other DPs HERE

I finish exams this Thursday, so I hope to be back to daily posts after that. Miss you all!



  1. this is so pretty! ♥♥♥♥ *-*

  2. We're Simply Meant to Be was my surprise favourite from this collection...seriously I've worn it three times already. I love it over a light base. CG Sweet Hook and Kinetic Candy look awesome with it.


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