
Friday 21 September 2012

Hare Polish Midsummer's Midnight - a.k.a. NAILGASM in a bottle

Who else is a huge Hare Polish fan?

I was desperate to get my hands on her jelly glitters last year, but alas she shut down production for some time. So when she reopened this year with a couple of new and amazing collections, I was in it to win it!

I was most excited for Midsummer's Midnight, and it lived up to expectations!

Hare Polish Midsummer's Midnight



Midsummer's Midnight (MM) has a charcoal/black jelly base, with a mix of purple, fuchsia, green and blue glitters. My favourite are the blue squares! The  colours are so perfect together and they swim awesomely in the jelly base. I used 2 coats with a layer of Glitter Tamer to smooth out the texture. I love the glass lie finish Glitter Tamer gave!!!

Hare's Fall line is coming our way in a couple of weeks. You can see previews on their Facebook page. They're also re-releasing the original Bisbee, A-Positive and Pegasus!!!! I want me some Bisbee! They have been reformulated and I cannot wait to see what they look like!

HARE Polish is available on Etsy and Llarowe.

My two Giveaways are on the top of the right hand sidebar, so make sure "you're in it to win it!"



  1. This is so pretty. It's going right on my wish list:)

  2. OMG need this so bad! It's gorgeous

  3. I am in LOVE with Hare Polish! I have several on my wish list and I am "liking" the Facebook page right now!!

  4. This is so stunning on the nail. I love it. Great swatch.

  5. I have got this coming to me in the mail now!

  6. ooooooh lalalalalalala! i have LOVED each one I have worn so far - they are beyond lush, aren't they xx

  7. Oh emmm geeeeee wow gorgeous!


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