
Saturday 15 September 2012

Crows Toes Cheshire is the "be all and end all" of purple glitters

If you do not own Cheshire by Crows Toes, please SPRINT (don't walk or run or jog), to Llarowe or Overall Beauty IMMEDIATELY!

Crows Toes Cheshire over Elevation Pic du Gar




 Cheshire is a mix purple, fuchsia, silver holo, and yellow glitters in a clear uncut suspension base. It's on the thick side, but I had absolutely no issues with application and I got great coverage in 1 coat (over Pic du Gar), so the thickness does not bother me in the slightest. Crows Toes lacquers are designed to be thinned to your liking, so you end up with tons and tons of glitter packed in to every bottle. The glow from the yellow and silver holo glitter just pushes Cheshire over the edge to the INCREDIBLE WINS of 2012 category.

The large fuchsia hexes and yellow medium hexes are sparser than the smaller holo, purple and fuchsia glitters, but they were still easy to get on the nail. I didn't have to do any glitter placing or dabbing, I just had to push back a few glitters that were hanging over my free edge. Cheshire is a bit chunky so I topped my mani off with 1 coat of Glitter Gloss and INM Out the Door (which I love for the hard shell it gives my manis with zero shrinkage).

Elevation Polish Pic du Gar


I used Pic du Gar as the base for Cheshire. It's a semi-satin finish warm purple jelly from Elevation Polish's Pyrenees Collection. This is the sort of purple with red undertones that is seriously up my alley. I used 3 coats for perfect coverage, because with 2, it was a little thinner around my cuticles. If I had waited a bit longer between coats I could have made 2 work.

You can get Pic du Gar from Elevation Polish on Big Cartel or Etsy and I'm pretty sure it's still in stock. But please note that Lulu is on vacation til the 22nd September so the stores are temporarily closed.

God I love wearing a glitter top coat that isn't filled with those awful, hairy bars! I thought I had finally gotten on board with the trend, but I've recently realised I can only handle short, thin bar glitter. The rest just makes me angry!!!! Bring back exclusively hex glitter top coats please Indies!!!! Novelty shaped glitter has started to grow on me though. I've been yearning for some cute butterfly and heart glitter lacquers this week!

Hope your weekends are treating you well.
If you live in NZ make sure you enter my NZ Giveaway. You will have a pretty good chance of winning. Tell your friends!



  1. Oh em geeeeee this is gorgeous!!!

  2. This is so gorgeous!! I really love how you decided to layer it. This is one of the CrowsToes that I've been wanting.

  3. Ohhh so prety! And the pruple base reminds me of a purple I lovve Beauty UK - Jelly Bean


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