
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Orly Preamp - it's a love story

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights

See the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know

They say true love lasts a lifetime...

Orly Preamp

Well, I'm ready to commit.

Preamp is part of the 4 piece Electronica Fall 2012 Collection from Orly. This actually turned up in NZ before it came out in the States! I picked it up while I was on my Uni break in Auckland. It was worth paying full price at Farmers!!!

It's a really pretty purple toned pink (sort of a dirty lilac leaning pink) full of flakie shimmer (a bit like Dollish Polish Purple Haze), that glows pink/orange/gold depending on the lighting situation. It's not duochromey or anything, it just sort of picks up different levels of warmth. The shimmer really warms up the base so I think it'll suit all skin tones.

Application was decent. I can't remember if this was 2 or 3 coats, but I do remember liking the formula and getting decent coverage.

God, I love it so so so so so soooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

Have I told you that flakie shimmers are my favourite nail polish finishes?! And that's the 2nd in a row. Boo-yah!

Hey it's also Wednesday, so Happy Pink Wednesday ladies!!!

Do you have Preamp? Are you drooling over it?
Fingers, can you deal with the pink?



  1. I wanted this when i saw the collection. I wish my no buy would end. Although i do like to wait until Farmers does a buy one get one free on Orly

    1. I should really be on a no-buy! But whenever I leave a polish at Farmers, it's gone the next time I go back for it! Their buy 1 get 1 free are awesome though!!!!!

  2. Looks just like NYX Girls Golden Lavender. Very pretty though,

    1. i just goggled it and you're right! I think Preamp is much pinker though, but the shimmer looks pretty similar. I can't believe I don't have Golden Lavender already!!

  3. I just picked this one up this weekend...and I am so glad I snatched it up because it looks amaaaaaazing on you! Loving this mani and I can't wait to get this one on! : )

  4. I want this one! It's so beautiful and to me, really unique.

  5. I'm in love with this color, I need to find it!!

  6. That Orly color looks great on you!
    I also wanted to tell you I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award on my blog :)


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