
Friday 1 June 2012

Sinful Colors Cinderella & Revlon Whimsical

It's a combination made in polish heaven!

Cinderella - 3 coats - white light

Cinderella - 3 coats - white light

Whimsical - 1 coat over Cinderella - white light

Cinderella is a beautiful baby blue with pink chunky fleck like shimmer. It's delicate and pretty and does make me think of Cinderella's blue ball dress!! It's also quite sheer (along the same lines as the NOPI It's All About the Glam and Kim-pletely in Love) taking 3 coats for decent coverage. I would probably do a fourth coat too! It's worth it though, and not as streaky as the NOPIs.

Whimsical is a Deborah Lippmann Glitter In the Air dupe with pink and blue small and medium hexes in a milky sheer blue base along with some very small iridescent glitters. I got decent glitter pay-off with just 1 thick coat. It's also pretty easy to place extra glitter on to the nail, so I think it's better than the DL version (but I don't own it, so can't compare).

Do you have these lacquers too?
What is your favourite base for GITA or Whimsical?



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