
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Sinful Colors Zeus & Bundle Monster

Herrow my pretties,

I told you yesterday that I had finally done a stamping job I could be proud of.

Well here she is; feathers from BM plate 214, stamped using A England Princess Tears on a base of Sinful Colors Zeus

I took these photos right after I finished the stamping just to see if I could get any decent ones under the lamp. Then overnight tragedy struck! When I fight my sleeping pills i get real frigidity and anxious which leads to nail biting on a disastrous scale!!! I no longer have a thumb or index nail on my right hand. Well there is a sliver of a white tip but they're crazily shaped so it'll be a couple of weeks before they are ready for photos again.

The point of that ramble was that  I couldn't get any photos in sunlight today so now all I have are these. The upside is they show the stamping fairly accurate.

I chose Princess Tears because I've seen other bloggers stamp with it and it is similar to Zeus with a purple and pink flash thing going on, only much lighter so I figured they'd go well together. And I love how subtle it is, very forgiving and not too loud.

Seems like whenever I stamp with Konad Special Black I feel self conscious because it stands out so much on my stubby fingers!

Really glad this stamping worked out because it's made me realise how much I love to wear nail art - I really don't want to take this mani off, so I'm repainting my index and thumb!!!

Here is Zeus on its own.

Zeus - 2 coats - white light
Zeus - 2 coats - overcast

Zeus - 2 coats - overast
 Zeus is a beautiful darker lavender (I think it looks a couple of shades darker than the photos show) with pink shimmer that isn't exactly subtle, but isn't obvious from a distance either.

I think it's the perfect Spring/Autumn transitional shade, and I know I'll be rocking it this winter too! The formula was pretty flawless. I imagined Zeus would be a watery PITA but was pleasantly surprised that it covered in two coats and self levelled. Some may find it to be a little thick and sticky, but not in a bad way if you can imagine that!!!!

I've had it on for 3 days now and I only have minor tip wear, definitely not too shabby for a cheapy!!! Thank you Ebay or I would not have been able to get my hands on this beauty. I know most people think it's evil, but sometimes it's my guardian angel!



  1. Ah so sorry to hear about your nails! I know the feeling, only I have it with exams/tests/any other stressful things...

    The subtle stamping looks really lovely, though. ^^

  2. Zeus is really pretty! I'm also obsessed with Greek mythology, so I may have to get this polish as soon as possible!

  3. Looks like Zeus has really nice shimmer. Beautiful pictures!


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