
Thursday 10 May 2012

Cult Nails Scandalous & Captivated

Hello ladies & hopefully gents,

Bring on the weekend already!!! Feeling tired and cold, and maybe a little grumpy, but my polishes are cheering me up!!!
I'm a grump because I miss Buster and Charlie!!! Had a skype date tonight with mum and the boys had been groomed and Buster had been digging so he had mud all over his paws and mush!!! Charlie was all cuddly, burrowing in to mum's neck and it made me mega jealous!!! I just want to cuddle them again!

Good news is I'm going home for 3 weeks in June-July and then I get to spend a couple of weekends up there at the end of July for family birthdays!! That means the boys will be spoilt rotten with my overbearing love! I just have to hold on - and should probably stop looking at their photos so much, just makes me sad!!!

Enough of that though, I have Scandalous and Captivated to show you.
I picked up these 2 in Maria's last $5 sale (there's another one this Saturday FYI!). Enjoy.

Scandalous - 3 coats - white light

Scandalous - 3 coats - white light

Scandalous - macro

 Scandalous is a squishy coral jelly. It's a little bit milky so you get a nice coverage after 3 coats - unlike true jellies that tend to be a bit more transparent. It's very flattering and reminds me a lot of Essence Ballerina Backstage in On Your Gracile Tiptoes but the formula is so much nicer, not at all sticky.

Captivated - 1 coat over Scandalous

Captivated - 1 coat over Scandalous

Captivated - 1 coat over Scandalous - macro
Next I layered 1 coat of Captivated over Scandalous. They are a perfect combination. Captivated is a mix of opalescent orange and pink glitters in a coral/pink tinted base. Again with the great formula. Icing has a dupe out called Tiger's Blood, a cheap alternative if you can get your hands on it.

Captivated - 2 coats over Scandalous

Captivated - 2 coats over Scandalous - macro

 Lastly, I added 1 more coat of Captivated which made my nails that much more bright and vibrant, not to mention sparkly!!

I don't think I used any top coat for these pics and you can tell it dries pretty darn smooth! I definitely recommend these 2 as very dreamy summer shades! I can't wait for Summer to roll around again so I can get some decent wear out of them!



  1. These are the perfect summer combo, they are gorgeous!

  2. Oh my gosh these are amazing!! And together they are fantastic!


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