
Wednesday 2 May 2012

Blog Sale?

Hey guys,

I just wanted to put the feelers out, would anyone be interested in a blog sale?
I haven't had one before because basically all of my readers would require international shipping which is costly and I can only guarantee (from past experience) that packages will get through to Australia and obviously New Zealand.

I'm not sure what shipping would be like to the US, Canada or the UK but if there is sufficient interest I will certainly find out.

I'd have a few Indie polishes for sale for sure and my prices would be very fair in order to make up for any shipping expenses.

So if you are interested (especially if you are in NZ) please let me know. I could really do with a polish clean out; it's getting seriously horrendous in my bedroom!!!! No room for me, only POLISH!!!




  1. I would be intrested, depending on what was on offer. In Australia here :)

  2. I'm in Australia and I'd be interested!

  3. I'd be keen and I'm in NZ (how convenient!) lol


I love hearing from all my fabulous readers, but please do not link bomb here. If you would like me to check out your blog or other link please email me (PR/Contact tab above) instead. I will endeavour to reply to all questions/comments.