
Sunday 20 May 2012

BB Couture - Santa's Sak

I should probably be posting this at xmas time, but I got it in April and can't wait that long!

Santa's Sak - 2 coats - white light

Santa's Sak - 2 coats - white light

Santa's Sak - 2 coats - white light

Santa's Sak - 2 coats - colour corrected

Santa's Sak - 2 coats - MACRO colour corrected

Santa's Sak is one of the Holiday colours for Men. A cherry red jellyish finish filled with silver and gold glitters as well as holo bar glitter. It goes on surprisingly opaque in 2 coats. I didn't put on any top coat for the pics but you'll need at least 1 coat to smooth the glitter out.

My camera makes all blue toned reds look like orange-reds so I colour corrected the last couple of photos to look more accurate. It is definitely a cool cherry red in person. I was impressed by the formula, very even, which is awesome!

Hope you all had lovely relaxing weekends!



  1. Seriously? Do they really think men are gonna wear this or is it a color men like seeing on women's nails? Who writes this stuff?!? It is a sexy red!

    1. Yeah I think it's weird it was from the Men's collection too, usually the BB for Men are darker, more muted colors. I think these guys are based in CA, (maybe San Fran?.) Maybe it was designed for drag queens/cross dressers?

  2. Oooh great red. Interesting color for BB. When I saw the brand I thought this was going to be a naughty tongue-in-cheek color...

    1. well, i think the spelling of sack 'Sak' is the tongue in cheek part. I thought it was a bit unusual too but it is quite similar to the latest women's collection Hollywood Starlets, BB brought out, only less glittery.

  3. Love this color! I really like the green and blue you recently posted from this same brand. Wish I could find BB Couture around me!

    1. I get mine from Overall Beauty. They're US$9.95 each and she ships internationally. Alternatively, you can order them from the BB Couture website if you live in the states.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. to much dark color I never like dark colors. I always chose light color for me.
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