
Thursday 19 April 2012

Karine's Pinot Noir - Swatch Fest!

Greeting from Christchurch,

I arrived home yesterday morning to an INCREDIBLE amount of NAIL MAIL!
It has to be the best welcome home present ever! Especially when it cures your I MISS MY PUPPY-itis :(

Of the 6 parcels, Karine's Birthday Collection flakies was the most AMAZING!!!
I immediately swatched Naiad, Oui je le veux! & Pint Noir on a nail wheel, because I had dark pink on my nails and very limited nail polish remover left!!!
Talk about POW!!!! I mean as in "wow, well blow me away Jeffery!" not prisoner of war, just FYI. And where the heck did Jeffery come from? Odd mind indeed...
Getting back to Karine's lovelies; Pinot was the perfect match for the dress I was wearing so when Lisa came over for a girly catch up, lunch and manicure I put it on!!! Used the very last of the nail polish remover too!

Boy was Pinot worth it, though!
I couldn't pick my favourite photos so here is a whole bunch for you to marvel over.





overcast with flash

overcast with flash

white light - macro

white light

white light - macro

I barely have words. Pinot Noir is a jelly wine/pinky maroon base with iridescent fine glitters and flakies in violet, green & red/orange/yellow(?). Two medium coats gave complete coverage and the formula was great, on the thicker side, spread really well and didn't even need shaking!!! That might be my favourite thing about Karine's polishes - no shaking!
Actually my favourite thing about Pinot is that it is perfectly named. It's just like a glass of red wine only sparkly!!!

I cannot wait to show you more of her beauties.

For ordering info click HERE



  1. Argh! You have to stop showing me these amazing polishes! My wallet cannot handle it! :)
    Pinot Noir is so amazingly lusciously gorgeous! Love it!

    1. Argh, sorry! I had to commit to a no buy month myself. Splurged way too much on all the indie brands and am fast running out of money for bills and food!!!
      Maybe we have to do a polish swap to avoid spending?!!

    2. I would love that but I don't think I have much to offer! I don't even know how these swaps work! haha bit of a novice still. I am so stupidly excited about getting my indie polishes! Managed to snaffle up one of the bottles of 'Under Da Sea' from Dolly too! As for food and bills, you have just described my whole life! And my car just died today so it will definitely be a no buy month for me I think! :(

  2. It's not my colour to be honest, but it is truly beautiful!

  3. I am loving the indie polish trend but am so over the stalking and the selling out in 5 minutes. It takes the fun away!

  4. Super pretty color and it looks great on you!


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