
Saturday 14 April 2012

Dark Was The Night...

Hey guys,

I have been either absent or very brief the last few weeks. Been spending as much time as possible with Charlie & Buster and haven't felt inspired at all.
I think being surrounded by all my polish makes me want to write and swatch, so being at home with only a couple (15 is 'a couple' in my world!), has bored me a bit!!!

I have a really awesome franken from Two Birds for you tonight though; Dark Was The Night

DWTN - 2 coats - lamp

DWTN - 2 coats - shade

DWTN - 2 coats - natural light

DWTN is a dark teal jelly base filled with various sized hex glitter in green, turquoise, silver, red and blue. Some of the glitter is either iridescent or holo or both, can't quite tell. It only needs 2 coats for full coverage and you'll need a 1-2 layers of thick top coat to get it smooth and shiny. It can look like a midnight blue in some lighting, so it's a little bit mysterious, just like the night!!!

I really love the turquoise & red glitter in Dark - they're two colours you wouldn't think would work well together but they just look fantastic!

I only have one complaint and it's that the larger green hexes are a bit thick so if you're not careful with application you'll get the odd bump on your nail, like you can see on my ring and pinkie in the photos. The second time I wore it, I was more careful and got a perfect finish. It also had a very overpowering smell but that faded once I put on some Seche Vite!!!

Can you DIG it?!



  1. It looks pretty! I like the dramatical name for it too!

    1. Me too! I think it started out as a dupe for Starry Starry Night but Sarah put too much glitter in so it evolved into Dark!

  2. I am loving this one! The colors work great together...very nice.

  3. This is too glittery for me-I will let you keep this one!

    1. Haha I'll have to find some non glitters to post soon. But it seems like every indie polish i buy is chocka-block full of them!!!


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