
Saturday 24 March 2012

Speciallita Hits Powerpuff Girls - ELEMENTO X

Ahoy-hoy ladies,

a couple of weeks back, I picked up the best looking polish from the Powerpuff collection Brasilian brand Speciallita put out - Elemento X

 I think the green Powerpuff Girl is called Buttercup and this polish falls under her inspired colours:

Elemento X - 2 coats - white light

Elemento X - 2 coats - white light

Elemento X - 2 coats - white light

Elemento X - 2 coats - close up

Elemento X has a blackened green base that looks a bit like a brown-black in low light. It has this great green/gold shimmer that comes to life in the sun!!! The shimmer is just the best coloured green, kind of a dark swampy green with hints of gold. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

I used 2 coats for full coverage. The formula was pretty thick and I'm not really a fan of it in general because the tip wear is crazy bad - just like their duochromes!!! But at least I only needed 2 coats...

What are your thoughts on Elemento X? Have you tried any of the Powerpuff Girl polishes?



  1. I love this colour, but sucks about the wear on it. I don't have any from these, though I thought of buying some on several occasions.

  2. uhhhhhhhhhhhhh this polish is gorgeous!! just shot up my wish list!


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