
Tuesday 6 March 2012

OPI Holland Collection Spring 2012 - PEDAL FASTER SUZI

Hello ladies (and gents?),

On Friday last week my latest eagerly anticipated OPI haul arrived... took long enough!!!
Amongst the Holland & Nicki Minaj lovelies, was the prettiest pink I'd ever seen.

Pedal Faster Suzi - 3 coats -white light

PFS - 3 coats -white light

PFS - 3 coats - indirect sunlight

PFS - 3 coats - shade
Pedal Faster Suzi (kind of a cute name) is a light lilac leaning pink shimmer. The shimmer is of the flecky variety, not really silver, but white/pearly, if you know what I mean... So, so pretty! It reminds me of Lucky Lucky Lavender a little, though I'm sure if I compared them the base colours wouldn't look similar at all :)

I used 3 thin coats, that applied very easily, for a full coverage. OPI is really winning with the the soft pinks lately; Pink Friday - which is sold out at every polish display I set eyes on - and Kim-pletely In Love. If I had to pick between the NbOPI and PFS, PFS would win hands down simply because the formula is so much better - no streaky issues at all!

I just realised it's my BIRTHDAY! Bear in mind I'm typing this in the wee hours of the morning because the now 24 year old bladder woke me up, ahaha. Mumma's flying in to see me, hooray! Now if only she could bring the puppies...

You may have noticed that I changed the blog template to a dynamic view. Just trying it out. Would love your feedback. It does mean that I've lost the Facebook and Networked Blogs widgets, but I think I may be able to add them through a Links gadget, will have a play around. If you roll your mouse over the right side of the page, the gadgets pop out.
Now you just have to click or double click on each post for the full article to pop up. I do love the sleeker, more modern design, but if you aren't in to it, please let me know!

I hope my birthday is a good day for you too!



  1. omg! this mani is so cute :D The shimmer looks lovely over this pink shade. Oh, and happy birthday btw!

  2. Happy Birthday! I just found your blog today and it's great! I love this polish. I just got it recently and am planning on trying it soon - if Auckland ever has a sky that isn't grey on a day that I have time to paint my nails :)

  3. It looks so pretty on you! Happy birthday!!

  4. Pedal faster suzi is totally amazing! Need it. Happy birthday to you! I like the old blog better than this new thing.


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