
Friday 30 March 2012


Good Morning Ladies,

When it's 4:30am and one can't get back to sleep, what is one to do?

Why BLOG of course!
Can you tell I'm single or what?!

Candy Shop is a much cheaper dupe of Deborah Lippmann's Candy Shop. Somehow Claire's managed to get away with giving there version the exact same name too. How did they get away with that?!
Nevermind, I'm just glad I picked it up on ebay (even if I paid like 5x the retail price!!!!, oh to love in the States).

Candy Shop - 2 coats - white light

Candy Shop - 2 coats - white light

Candy Shop - 2 coats - white light

Candy Shop - 2 coats - close up
So Candy Shop has a slightly dirty semi-sheer pink base and is filled with multi-cololured small and medium hex glitter. I was really impressed that it only took 2 coats for full coverage and it applied fairly well too. I didn't have any issues with placing the larger hexes they just painted on easy peasy!

As cool as Candy Shop is, it doesn't really suit me, the pink is just a bit too dirty for my liking. The base would pop a lot more next to the glitter if it was a bit brighter too.

I don't have the DL Candy Shop so I'm not sure how close they are but I think it's safe to say you don't need both :) Coincidentally Lani posted about the DL Candy Shop today too. You can check out her beautiful swatches and layering experiments HERE.

Now I shall try to go back to sleep!



  1. It looks beautiful. Nice post and photos! What a coincidence that we wrote about Candy Shop on the same date! I only have the Deborah Lippmann version, but agree that we do not need both.

    1. haha love the co-winkiedink! i still kind of wish i had the DL version but was really not in favour of the price tag! The black based poli!sh is a lemming though! your pics are way better! I'm so bad at taking photos of my right hand, they're always blurry/just out of focus!

  2. I love it, I love it, I love it! I hope it's still available in the shops in Ireland...


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