
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Specialita Hits - Poseidon

Good Morning lacquer heads,

Gorgeous pale blue holo for you!

It's been described as a robin egg blue but I think it's a little lighter than that. In the shade it's ultra light and almost leans a weensy bit green, but when the light is bouncing off it, Poseidon looks ELECTRIC!

Poseidon - 3 coats - sunlight

Poseidon - 3 coats - sunlight

Poseidon - 3 coats - sunlight

Poseidon - 3 coats - shade

Poseidon - 3 coats - shade

I got Poseidon from Llarowe. It took me a couple of restocks to get my hands on him because it's so popular. I have almost all the Specialita Hits No Olympio holos I want now, except for Ares & Hefesto. Who wouldn't want a holographic topcoat?!!! I think another shipment is due in on the 4th of Feb, YAY!



  1. It looks refreshing...It reminds me of sparkling water.

  2. I have this and just love it! I live for holos!

  3. Hallo...i am interesting to get some polish nail for my sister? there is any whay that i can order online and sent it to me in USA?

  4. Hallo...i am interesting to get some polish nail for my sister? there is any whay that i can order online and sent it to me in USA?


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