
Friday 10 February 2012

Pros & Bronze Glitter Gradient

Hey ya'll,

just a short one tonight, I need my nun-ize.

I just went with adding some glitter to yesterday's mani - Butter London Rosie Lee & China Glaze Glam

P&B with RL & Glam gradient - sunshine

P&B with RL & Glam gradient - sunshine

P&B with RL & Glam gradient -shade

P&B with RL & Glam gradient -indoors, no flash

P&B with RL & Glam gradient -lamp

Close up - lamp
This was so hard to photograph! It was really sunny so lots of the colour got washed out no matter where I took photos. In real life it was much pinker - the glittery is a light rosey pink. I sponged on Rosie Lee from the base of my nails to 2/3s of the way up. Then I painted on Glam for some hex action.

So it may not look that great here, but in person it was like a little tropical sunset on my nails!



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