
Tuesday 28 February 2012

China Glaze Dynasty

Guten Arbend,

I just got Dynasty (from the China Glaze Specialty Glitters range) and it's such a red/coral based holo glitter!

Dynasty - 2 coats - sunlight

Dynasty - 2 coats - sunlight

Dynasty - 2 coats - sunlight

Dynasty - 2 coats - sunlight

Dynasty leans a little pinker than my monitor shows it, but other than that the photos are fairly accurate. There are two sizes of silver holo glitter; fine and small hex! This is just 2 coats with a layer of Seche Vite. I have a feeling that if my nails had actually had some white tip on them, I'd need 3 coats to cover all VNL but as it was, I had nubbins!

The base isn't really a jelly, just sort of tinted suspension base, but it applied just fine with great glitter dispersal. It dries really fast too - gotta love that about glitter!!

I actually have Dynasty on my toes right now - for about a week and a half actually - with no top coat and it's been holding up pretty well. Just minor tip wear so far.

Feeling a bit blogged out after yesterday's Dollish post! So that's all for today.



  1. Oooh pretty color. And glittery! I can imagine it's a great toe color. Pictures c'mon!! =)

    1. No! My feet are gross - i really need a pedicure!! Plus I stubbed my big toe the other day and took a big chunk of nail off it!! Maybe when they are prettier I'll take pedi photos hehe!


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