
Monday 23 January 2012

Cult Nails Clairvoyant

Bonjour mon amie(s)!

How are you this evening? I just got a new flat, yay! That takes a bit of the stress off of moving cities!

I also managed to get some photos of Clairvoyant on its own a few days ago so this is your Sunday treat!!!

Clairvoyant - 4 coats - sunshine

Clairvoyant - 4 coats - sunshine

Clairvoyant - 4 coats -indoor lighting

Clairvoyant - 4 coats -shade

It needs no description, the photos say it all. I included the last one even though it's a bit out of focus because it shows the vibrancy of the flakes best!!! This is designed as a layering polish, that's why you need 4 coats to make it opaque.

On Facebook the other day Maria (creator of Cult Nails) said they may not be able to make any more Clairvoyant! Something about not being able to access a key ingredient :( Gutted, lets hope it isn't so!! But for those of you who snapped up this bad boy, congrats & conserve! :)



  1. This looks like the perfect flakie to me! Purple base filled with every possible colour, beautiful.

  2. SO glad I got a bottle!! How sad would that be if there were no more???? I love this!

    1. ultra sad and did you see that her new one toxic seaweed needs the same ingredient so it'll prob be LE too?!!! super sad, i really hope i can snap it up in time!!


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