
Sunday 8 January 2012

Christmas Present Spam - Part 1

I'm doing some endless swatching at the moment so here are some pics of the polishes I got for Christmas - pretty good range I reckon.

Butter London Henley Regatta - overcast

Butter London Rosie Lee - overcast

Butter London Lady Muck - lamp

Revlon Top Speed Wind Fall
OPI Designer... de Better

I got all these from my Dad. He rocks, right?! I actually picked them all up and told him what he got me later, but still! haha. I was quite pleased to get my hands on some more pricey BLs and I found Wind Fall (last bottle in the store) so woohoo! I'm on the fence about the OPI, I had to get it once I saw everyone's swatches cos the copper shimmer looks awesome! On me it's a bit blah though...

Did you get any polish for xmas? Please share!!!!!!



  1. what nice gifts what a sweet dad you got!

  2. What a great gift! I got three polishes from a friend for Christmas, and then I went to Sally's and bought a few late presents for myself. Polish is the best!

  3. @Kaki Ooh buying polishes as gifts for yourself is pretty awesome!!!


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