
Thursday 22 December 2011

When Weather is Uninspiring

Hey guys,

Blah! It's supposed to be Summer, but it's all storm cloudy and rainy!!!!! This is not what I call Christmas!!! I want the beach & bbq weather darn it :(

ok enough with the grump rant... When the weather is uninspiring, I like to put on some super cool polish. And lucky for me, my Girly Bits polish order showed up last week! This is Pam's Sea's The Day Collection (pic heavy so the rest of the post is after the jump).

L-R: Denim Diva, Stormy Skies, razzle Dazzle, Purple Potion, Sailor's Delight, Street Magic

Denim Diva - lamp

Denim Diva - lamp

Denim Diva - natural light. By this photo I'd had an accident involving whacking my ring finger on a window - I'm seriously clumsy

Denim Diva is a really cool denim blue shimmer. This one reminds me of jeans 100%. Two easy coats. I like the brush - it's fat! These mini bottles really have great brushes - so why do mini OPI brushes suck so much?!

Stormy Skies - lamp

Stormy Skies - lamp

Stormy Skies - lamp

Stormy Skies is my favourite - well it was to begin with, then most of the others tied for 1st equal! A gorgeous greyed pastel blue with fine glitter that glows green most of the time. Every now and then I see the glitter shining yellow & blue too! I think there might be some fine shimmer in SS as well. This was a 2 coater also & it applied beautifully; but it dries a gritty so top coat is a must to get it to shine. I love staring at the photos of SS!!!!!

Sailor's Delight - lamp

Sailor's Delight - lamp

Sailor's Delight - natural light

Sailor's Delight - natural light

Sailor's Delight was a real surprise for me. I told Pam I thought it would clash horribly with my skin and I'd probably end up giving it away. Sorry girls, once I tried it on it's stash status was sealed! I'm happy to report this looks fantastic on me!!! A vivid orange jelly - that skirts close to the redder side of orange life - with gold flecky shimmer/glitter. I think this was still just 2 coats and though there is a little VNL, in person it looked fine. The bottle did need a wee shake because some of the gold likes to sink to the bottom, but it refloated easily.

Razzle Dazzle - lamp

Razzle Dazzle - lamp

Razzle Dazzle - natural light

Razzle Dazzle - natural light

 Razzle Dazzle is a unique pink holo glitter. It is a pink tinged jelly base (sort of a dark rose verging on fuchsia) with pink, purple & holo micro glitter. I love this because; a)it's in a suspension base (yes!) so it doesn't need to be shaken up before application, b) this s just 2 coats and though it might look like there are bald spots, in person this looks AWESOME!  I love that the holo glitter glows red in low light :)

Purple Potion - lamp

Purple Potion - lamp

Purple Potion -natural light

Purple Potion - lamp

Purple Potion is a mix of purple & copper micro glitter in a clear base. There's also a smidge of holo glitter in the mix to keep things interesting. Surprise, surprise, I love this one too! I can't remember if this was 2 or 3 coats, but I do recall that it needs a thicker top coat to make it smooth and shiny.

I haven't gotten pics of Street Magic yet, but it is a gorgeous colour morphing top coat. I shifts from green to bronze. So far I've only tried it over black & it absolutely killed, so can't wait to see how it will transform other colours!!!

Pam's Girly Bits is another franken polish endeavour that I hope turns in to a full fledged indie brand like Cult Nails. Pam has just brought out 3 new shades & I believe she is also releasing a new collection in January!! For more info & to find out how to order click *here*

Are you as crazy over these shades as I am?



  1. I just got done wearing Street Magic-it is stunning! I have most of this collection except the pink and purple-have already ordered her new collection!

  2. @fingers Yay! I want that cosmic ocean colour shift one & all the rest but I was tardy with my order so will have to wait for awhile now!

  3. this collection is amaaaaazing. stormy skies looks gooorgeous!

  4. Great post Michaela, thank you very much. I am going to link it on my blog :)


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