
Monday 26 December 2011

Happy Boxing Day

Hey guys,

Did you get in on the boxing day sales or, like me, did you hide out at home watching the boxing day test & playing with your xmas gifts? I also made my way through a LOT of xmas leftovers, mmmmmm....

Yeah, this is me without makeup, a shower or having used a hair brush, but aren't the dogs gorgeous?! Except for Charlie's red nose - it looks more like a gimp gag, ultra creepy!!!!

Poor Buster is having real trouble with tear staining at the moment & it ruins his pretty little face!
On xmas morning the Crufts Dog Show was on & a Maltese won the Best Toy Breed category, yay!!!!!

Here's a Butter London I got from my Dad for Christmas, (I actually picked out all my own presents from him - that way I can't be disappointed come Christmas morning :)

Henley Regatta - outdoors, overcast

Henley Regatta - outdoors, overcast
Henley Regatta is a mix of green and blue micro glitter in a clear base. This was 4 coats. Clean up was a bit of a nightmare (I find fine glitters much harder to clean up than chunky ones - I can never get rid of all the particles), but the end result is worth it. It dries remarkably no-gritty for a fine glitter. The pieces manage to lay flat so 1 layer of quick dry top coat is enough. I used Seche Vite for the photos.

I ordered some INM Out the Door quick dry  TC just before xmas cos I'm on to my last bottle of SV and wanted to see if I could get the same result minus the shrinkage from another brand. Once it arrives & I give it a go I'll give you a review.

Also, I'm currently compiling my list of favourite polishes from 2011. So look out for some best of posts, coming up.



  1. omgggggggggggg, LOVE your dress! the doggies look sooo cute! my dog has had tear stains since he was young :{ and i know what you mean about the fine particle glitters, they're everywhere!!

  2. Your dogs are gorgeous! And I absolutely love Henley Regatta, one of my favourites :)

  3. Thanks guys, they are adorable! What kind of dog do you have Beanie?

  4. Wow, your dogs are sooooo cute. I'm looking forward to your future post comparing the top coats, love SV for the super speedy drying time, but hate the shrinkage.

  5. i have a maltese. he's about 10 years old now. my little man <3


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